Voting is a scam in the game of pretense (6)

Along the way, you would also have to pay off all of your debts, which is not feasible. They will never be able to repay the debt America has accumulated since the Second World War. It is not able to return the favor. Obama’s proposed revisions were thus essentially a new agreement.

Any time a president mentions a new agreement or a new deal that was obtained from FDR, obtained by America from the Bush administration, and then obtained from Obama’s administration, that is a LEGAL ADMISSION of a new system by your nation’s leader. A new system is, in fact, a new agreement or a new deal. The original system was the constitution. FDR upgraded it with a larger, more centralized government. Obama gave the Americans a new agreement with the pretext that change is beneficial. Who sowed the seeds of change? The change wasn’t sown by the people. Who stands to gain? The people won’t gain. It’s the population reduction plan; it’s the world of sustainability, of Mr. Rockefeller. The people required for the upkeep of the future are those who have already left. And the eaters who are just useless, the outmoded ones, will have to die off. That is all there is to it.

Even Rockefeller acknowledged that since the Industrial Revolution, the generation we belong to and everyone alive today is experiencing the greatest changes in history. as the conclusion of a section or stage in a long-term strategy. And this leads to the emergence of a New World Order, as British Prime Minister Mr. Brown stated during a G20 meeting. A distinct order from the preceding one in which individuals are TECHNICALLY working for themselves, select their own jobs, and so forth.

There are planned economies, planned populations, and planned systems under the New World Order. Therefore, it is up to us to fix this, not the next generation. We are the only ones who have the power to change things, so it really comes down to two options: either we choose to live as free agents, choosing to live in an uncertain future where we choose our own paths both personally and as a group, or we choose to become mindless animals, controlled by those who believe they are in charge of our fate and who gradually sterilise, eradicate, and use us as pawns in their wars and agendas before discarding us.

Socialism will be beloved by many. They take pleasure in being led. They like having their employers make all the decisions for them.

However, the time has come for all those individuals who value personal freedom, which also include not knowing for sure where we want to go, to bring along the change.

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