Voting is a scam in the game of pretense (4)

Take Bush. He was supposed to wait, and I firmly believe that he had to wait for 9/11 to occur in 2001. The year 2001 saw the automatic adoption of the same agenda by all nations at the same time, demonstrating advance forethought. Different government bureaucracies operate slowly. To achieve that level of coordination and synchronization, years are needed.

Bush’s task was to establish the apparatus, the agencies to carry it out, the armed forces, and the paramilitary forces in order to impose an authoritarian regime under the pretense of defending the people or you lose your rights. The establishment of institutions for the enforcement of laws led to the creation of the police.

Obama enters and assumes command. Now that the institutions are in place, it is his responsibility to lead you through the economic downturn and employ those tools against the populace as necessary. This is how it operates. In my opinion, there is a continuity. It’s not at all a distinct regime. You substituted Bush with the same voice. The bankers and everyone else involved. Obama should be included. Obama has also demonstrated his allegiance to them by letting them practically rape the people after taking all of their money and then rewarding them with tax and public cash in order to keep the same bankers afloat.

He’s one of their own boys. However, he now possesses the tools that Bush installed in order to control the populace and the riots that they themselves said will break out and usher in a completely new form of governance—international governance.

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