Voting is a scam in the game of pretense (3)

If you examine how politics are conducted, for example, and consult the writings of figures such as Lenin. Lenin stated that the public should not be aware that political goals must exist inside a thousand directions and systems. According to him, it’s critical that the people embrace the system that has been developed for them and believe it to be the only one that has the potential to succeed.

That is accurate. We are apparently living in a left-right system where the workers are the oppressed class and the owners of the means of production are the ruling class. And that’s conservative versus democrat or traditional labor versus tory. That’s the way the system functions. It confines the populace to the idea that there must be a choice between the two or a medium ground that they must advocate for. The general population never considers the fact that society has existed under a variety of various systems in the past, and as Lenin said, it’s crucial that people remain unaware that the system they are born into may not be the best one for them. They must believe that over their lives, only this natural one could have evolved.

As a result, you are limited to a certain number of parties. Voting for a party is not a sign of support for the new one; rather, it is a reaction to the previous one. You’re tired of the previous one and what they did to you, that’s why. And once they’ve been tainted and deviated from the election platform in ways they never clarified during the whole process, you may vote them out and install the next party, and the cycle of left-right politics continues indefinitely. Always imagine it as if the public is in the middle of a tennis match. Since we are the ball, all we do is permit ourselves to oscillate between left and right, right and left, and so on. In the meantime, the Elite uses politics as a tool to control the people, leading us all in the same path.

That’s all democracy is; in reality, it’s a tool used by the Elite to control the populace, direct them, and lead them down a predestined road that defies democracy in any form.

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