Voting is a scam in the game of pretense (2)

You get a domesticated herd to move from a field, a system and which has been grazing for twenty or fifty years, from this kind of system to that field over there, a new field, because the herd is reluctant to change. Humanity is plagued with the reluctance to change. Humanity likes familiarity. Humanity likes routine.

How is the herd moved? It is done by various techniques, one of which is revolution. Bloodless revolutions are the norm. Subsequently, there are revolutions in culture and sexuality, which often accompany revolutions in music, and so on. They are all literally made to influence and shape culture, knowing what kind of society they would ultimately have. They are fully aware of the society you wish to emerge from.

It can also be accomplished by inciting a crisis. Since 9/11, people all across the world have faced crisis after catastrophe. Humanity also has to realize that domestic warfare employs the same tactics as it does abroad. We also heard the words “awe” and “shock.” During the First Gulf War, acoustic weapons such as voice discos and bombs were utilized to intimidate and shock opponents, a tactic known as “hard force” shock and awe. It made headlines in the British press. However, you can also employ shock and awe once more on your home population. Crisis after crisis is how you get the population to become so afraid.

As you can see, the typical individual develops a sense of confidence that leads them to believe they can handle the majority of challenges that arise. Regardless of the small issue in their lives, the majority of people would answer, “We can handle it.” You tend to be more easily influenced by those in positions of power who emerge and speak to you with confidence and authority when everyone around you is experiencing fear due to job loss, threats of pandemics, terrorist attacks, fear of getting on public transportation, and other similar circumstances.

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