Voting is a scam in the game of pretense (1)

If you study and follow politics and geopolitics, you will find out what is going on. In the beginning, you might not even have the least idea of how vast the skill of the political agenda is, when you bring in a global society and the world into perspective.

There are numerous goals for wars. Economics is just one major aspect of it; other factors include cultural shifts and the establishment of empires as a result of defeated states forming alliances.

Every nation has essentially been signing the same laws. That had an impact on their societies concurrently. Unbeknownst to the citizens of such nations, laws and bills were being introduced simultaneously someplace across the water or even in neighboring countries. All of this was clearly organized by a government or control body, which brings us to the United Nations. The UN had a department to handle everything for each and every department of government that exists at the federal, local, county, state, and provincial levels. In actuality, it was already set up to be a worldwide government.

According to HG Wells, the League of Nations, which served as the model for the United Nations, declared that it would eventually become the center of global governance and that all lords would arise from it. We soon won’t even have to go through the farce since we passed and signed a treaty involving all of the member countries. And that’s precisely what it is—voting parties or candidates—because in the later half of the 20th century and the early 21st century, we are being indoctrinated to accept authority from experts, scientists, and professionals. This is what is meant when governments are referred to as “governing.” It’s called governance you see.

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