Under the guise of Covid, we were put under martial law wartime scenario

Under the guise of Covid, it’s wonderful because you’ve got emergency powers act on the go where they can declare, it’s a form of martial law.  That’s what you get, you can’t have more than three or four people meeting in a street together, and then again curfew times and stuff. That’s all martial law wartime scenario, folks. Nothing to do with a virus!  Nothing at all to do with the virus.  They’re trying to say it’s more contagious at night, ‘eh?  Of course it isn’t!  Np.  [Alan chuckles.]  Well, you can’t meet anyone when it’s dark, you know.  Unless you’re protesting something, or you’re authorized protesters, so you’ve got to be in the right groups to get authorization and to be left alone. 

Massive agenda, as I say, massive agenda.  It’s all been tested out, including the basic universal income, which a lot of youngsters would just jump at. Oh, fantastic, you know, we’re going to live in quite a decent standard of living, that’s what they think, you see, for the rest of our lives.  And we deserve it, you know, a lot of them will say we deserve it. They will rationalize it, well you see, they took all the work away… Which is true, most of the work has been taken away.  It isn’t just automation and robotization, it was TAKEN away. It was designed to get out your own country, all your manufacturing. That’s very true. But they literally think that somehow they’re going to, time is going to stop once they get the basic universal income, it would just stop and it’s like freezing time and it will be like that forever. That’s utopia, again. They’re always giving you utopias. But it won’t be like that because the cash itself, the value is constantly dropping until you need more and more numbers of that cash to buy the same amount of goods and necessities.  All the time it keeps, you keep needing more and more of it. It’s designed that way of course.

You can’t, it’s not designed that you’re going to win here. This system is so CORRUPT and overly managed, and we’re so incredibly surveilled and monitored that, you know, you can go on with it this way. It can’t go on. As I say, it’s a Tower of Babel, it’s held together with thousands of Band-Aids over as many fractures caused by its corruption over a long time. But then again, those who control it all say, well we don’t have to go on forever, we can eliminate most of the people given the right amount of time, and causes, to make it happen. 

You see, YOU are the problem according to them. YOU’ve always been the problem.  In the old days the more of you that they had, the more they could tax the cash off you and use you for wars and things. They don’t need you all so much nowadays. They really don’t. They don’t need you for industry, they’ve given it all away to other countries. They don’t need you so much for all the wars, we’ve got a few to fight, for the US mainly, and then that will be wrung out completely, they’re handed the tab and then they sink into oblivion and barbarism.  That’s all planned as well.  They’ll never… Once the US has served its purpose it will sink into barbarism, and it will be GUIDED that way. Because they have all the leaders of all the different factions paid by the government, all these different provocateurs, that will make sure, just like they did in Iraq and elsewhere, they’ll create all these different sects or groups and subgroups and have them all fighting each other so they can’t ever get together as a nation again, you see. 

That was what Kissinger said the plan was for those countries in the Middle East.  Do the same thing to the US. It’s served its purpose. You wouldn’t even get a thank you. They’ll blame you for something and hate you and teach everybody to hate you. You’re managed by folk that really, really do hate you, you know, that’s a fact, they despise you.  And it’s very open from them too at times just how much they do despise you. Bill Clinton, I remember articles in the paper when Clinton was in.  He was using mainly missiles at that time, cruise missiles to attack different places in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was running it all there. But the articles in the paper said that Bill and Hillary had given many talks, and they give you little clips from talks that he’d given, where they DESPISED the military.  Is it the military, or the people that comprise the military that they hate? I wonder? 

It’s like Hollywood HATES the countryside, have you noticed that? All their horror movies, folk leaving the city for a weekend somewhere, and all these strange looking hicks with buck teeth always appear, and they’re monstrous and nasty and awful and sadists, murderers. Have you noticed that? 

And again, this guy Kissinger, this strange character Kissinger, who said, you know, openly, and honestly, I’m sure he was very honest about it. He was saying THE MILITARY ARE JUST, THEY’RE COMPRISED OF DUMB STUPID ANIMALS WHO ARE USED FOR FOREIGN-POLICY. That’s… these are HIS words.  So, they don’t mind using those dumb stupid animals for foreign policy.  They’re going to use them again in these coming wars until it’s all finished, then that’s you, you’re done for.  And unfortunately, it’s true, we keep breeding the next bunch of troops and saying goodbye to your children.  For folk who literally call them dumb stupid animals. If you can’t be annoyed by that, at least, at least annoyed, you know, or at least a little bit indignant about that, well it’s tough luck I guess, maybe everything that they say about you is true, you know.  Hm?  What can you say?  If you’ve lost indignation, phew, what do you have left?  Sad but true.  Sad but true. They really despise the ordinary people. And especially the groups that they pull the military from. But they’re so happy to use them all.

That reminds me of Rome, you see, ancient Rome did the same thing. Britain did it of course, with its empire.  It would employ and create armies within countries that it had conquered or occupied, from the youth, you know.  Give them smart uniforms, in all countries, and discipline and scrub them clean until they looked, you know, it gives them self-respect and suddenly they were all important. Then they would beat up their own people if need be or turn on them if the paycheck was big enough.  Then they were given little metals and that to make them feel better about it all. It’s been done all over the planet, over and over and over.   Ancient Rome did it as I say.  The Greeks did it too, only the Greeks really had a huge, I mean Greece isn’t just one big nation, it’s got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of islands as well. Some of them pretty big, and big populations. So you’re dealing with empires as I say, in one form or another, either one single big country or at least one base of a nation and then the rest of them are all satrapies to an extent, which they call dominions, and eventually all empires. 

They get drained because they feed off of the countries that they conquer.  The money that comes back from them and the resources that come back from these countries doesn’t go to the people who are the armies. It goes to the folk who own the countries.  When they get so greedy, they collapse from within and they move out generally, to the next place, and they use a fresh population for the same kind of thing.  It happens over and over, leaving behind it these drained sponges that are squeezed dry, destitute, broken, and often invaded by barbarians as they call it, you know. Because nature abhors a vacuum as they say.  But you can also send troops from the countries you’ve now moved into to invade, and they call them barbarians, and then do away with all the people that served you well for however long. Britain did the same thing.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]


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