Times of Malta republishes an “opinion” article to sell you the WHO Pandemic Treaty

The local media is up to its naughty games again. These games include brainwashing, preparedness, channelling, propaganda, the official narrative, lies, and the dangerous half-truths.

And when it gives you its “opinion” articles, rest assured that the majority of these articles are also part of the propaganda, the brainwashing, the channelling and the preparedness. The media has a very selective process of its so-called “opinion” articles, so much so, that when I contacted all the local mainstream media portals to help me bring out the story of my father during Covid19, none of them accepted. I hope that you understand that our local media IS NOT INDEPENDENT AND IS NOT UNBIASED.

Here comes the selected “opinion” article by TOM, among some others of course, written by Michael Baker to tell you that the world is ill-prepared for the next pandemic. At the end of it TOM states that “this article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons licence” and that Michael Baker is professor of public health at the University of Otago, New Zealand.

Rest assured, that he is one of those so-called experts, in this age where experts have to tell us what to do, who is not only allowed to write and trumpet the official narrative, but we might also add that he gets paid to do so – perhaps.

He is one of those experts who has endorsed the pseudo-pandemic Covid19, which he calls “the worst in a century” and goes on to glorify and hail the World Health Organisation stating that it “took an important step by adopting useful revisions to the existing legally-binding International Health Regulations”, which has screwed all countries.

Is Mr Baker aware that such organisations like the WHO were set up for evil intentions and that humanity, under the new WHO Pandemic Treaty, will be screwed? Is he aware that nations will lose all their sovereignty, the little they have left? Mr Baker knows that the WHO was formed in 1946 but still hasn’t grasped the goal behind it? It is already a disgrace that it exists. It should have never been formed and it should never exist! What a shame…

Instead, Mr Baker tells you that “our best chance of preventing history repeating itself lies in a pandemic agreement.”

Mr Baker doesn’t even believe that the new WHO Pandemic Treaty, once signed, is a diabolical treaty. Instead, he dismisses such claims as ‘unfounded’:

Negotiations have been undermined by unfounded assertions that the WHO will be given power to impose lockdowns and vaccine mandates.”

What makes the “opinion” of Mr Baker the right one? Is his founded? His opinion is just scientism – the “trust the science” and “trust the experts” type which together form false prophecies. If you have a World [pseudo] Health Organization which will bind countries through a treaty as to how to deal with pandemics and health emergencies, doesn’t Mr Baker get his brain cells to think what will this lead to? We already had Covid19 to mirror all this with all worldwide leaders trumpeting the same thing: “Masks, lockdowns, social distance, vaccines.” This should already get the brain cells to do the connection.

Having 194 members of the WHO World Health Assembly passing by consensus several important amendments to the International Health Regulations on the people’s behalf is already a no, no!!! Why are they deciding on our behalf?

Please keep on reading this crap of article here and on reading the amendments, make sure you read in between the lines as you should all have come to the conclusion right now that treaties come with a lot of fuzzy language but once it comes to practice, the reality is not that fuzzy anymore.

Michael Baker is giving you half-truths which are very dangerous indeed.

But just the ending of this “opinion” article of Michael Baker should be enough to give you a glimpse of the truth which always manages to find its way among the poison of such articles. The last paragraph, subtitled “GREATER GLOBAL COOPERATION” starts with the line: “A pandemic agreement could address the many needed reforms that go BEYOND the International Health Regulations.” Think dear readers about what they mean when they tell you that the world must come together to “cooperate”. Isn’t it global scrutiny and global control? And what do you think Baker mean by “beyond”? Don’t take the bait of this article and do not take everything he writes as black and white. Go into the grey areas.

Then he sells you the big lie, a lie that Baker has swallowed, conveniently or not, about Covid:

“We owe it to the memory of the more than 27 million people estimated to have died so far from COVID, and the rising threats to future generations, to do the best we can to achieve a safer and more secure world.”

Baker resorts to the usual trick ‘ for your safety and for your security.

So let us turn his concluding paragraph to make it read “We owe it to the memory of the more than 27 million people estimated to have BEEN KILLED so far from COVID, and the millions more who have been killed by its VACCINES and the rising PLANNED threats to our generation and the future generations, to do the best we can to push back all this evil plan to achieve a free world.”

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