Times of Malta also joins the Media Parrot Club to say that the death of Mirabelle Falzon could have been avoided

Yesterday, Times of Malta also joined the Media Parrot Club to say, in a nutshell, that the death of Mirabelle Falzon could have been avoided.

The article, written by Mark Laurence Zammit, stated that “two people say they have been publicly warning authorities about the danger for months and have questioned whether the tragedy was caused by falling debris from the old military battery perched on the cliff.” These two people mentioned are Arnold Cassola, who took to social media on Saturday “asking whether the ‘terrible loss of life could have been avoided’ if the authorities had restored the battery in time and adventurer and activist Conrad Neil Gatt, who is the same citizen which was mentioned in the copycat article of Lovin Malta.

Zammit didn’t even make reference to the fact that the media he works for has warned about the dangerous state of some rocks in Munxar and Dellimara back in 2018, like this site did.

So dear readers now you know that we have a Media Parrot Club which lacks originality but parrots, every now and then, some articles which are published on this site.

This is your local media which claims that it is independent and which is the first to give you the latest news.

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