The World, the Church, the Church Leaders and the Christians have lost the plot (part 1)

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel does live Q&A sessions. To the question “If God could punish people of Sodom and Gomorrah Himself, why did He ask people of Israel to wipe out the people of Canaanites?”

This is the answer that the Bishop gave:

“Well, first of all God has the right to choose how to bring His judgement on people whichever way He uses, but at the end of the day whether He does it himself or through other children of His, at the end it is Him who is bringing this judgement or punishment or His wrath on certain people that chose to live in a certain way.

But let me tell you one thing about Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom and Gomorrah, it was not just people were living in sin because if we speak about sin everybody is a sinner. And therefore we cannot judge in this regard cause since we are all sinners, then who are we to judge someone else who is like us, a sinner like us? But Sodom and Gomorrah was a further step than sin which was more so a crime in the presence of the Almighty God because the people of Sodom and Gomorrah did one thing which God cannot accept. They tried to change the identity of the human being. And that’s what LGBTIQXUVRZ is. That’s what the LGBT is all about.

You see, we’ve been asked this. I’m not here, who am I to judge? If there is anyone who is a sinner, it is me Bishop Mari. I am the greatest sinners of all. If St Paul, this pillar in the church of Christ, this mighty saint, this magnificent apostle of the Lord Jesus, if he says ‘And all the sinners whom I am the first of all.’ If St Paul puts himself the number one sinner, then where do I go? I’m not even worthy to get and kiss his sandals. I’m not even worthy. It’s not about sin. If it was about sin, then we cannot say anything because we are all the same – sinners. But this kind of a lifestyle in Sodom and Gomorrah, it was to change the human identity. God cannot tolerate this.

And God will punish the country that embraces such lifestyle. When a country passes such laws, legalize such laws, they will be punished. I don’t care which country that is, whether you are strong superpower, mighty or small, doesn’t matter. God will not tolerate, I can assure you. I can assure you. Every country that legalized such lifestyle, again, I’m not judging, I will pray for those who live like Sodom and Gomorrah, the LGBT, yeah? I’ll pray for them. I love them. I’ll pray for them. But I will never ever as a Church, not an individual, as a Church, as a Church leader, I will never ever accept such lifestyle, you can shred me to pieces. This is nothing personal, please, understand. It is nothing personal. I will pray for the LGBT. I will love the LGBT. But to accept them as it is normal, over my dead body, period.

What has happened of Christendom? Where are the Church leaders? Today we are hearing Church leaders who are saying it’s okay. We need to embrace this. We need to accept them. We need to tolerate them. We need to allow them to be part of the church in the name of love. Get a life. And repent before the Lord plugs you from your roots.

So I’ll tell you why God went himself to punish Sodom and Gomorrah. Because the moment you deny the human identity, God Himself will punish you. Not anyone else. Because now it’s got to do with God not with humanity. Now He’s not gonna send another person, another human to go and punish Sodom and Gomorrah. Why? Because it’s got to do with the human identity. Who created this human identity? Who gave this human identity? God. So when you try to wipe it, God Himself will come. He’s not gonna send another human. No, He will come Himself.

So every country, listen, Australia, America, Canada, Europe, you better open your eyes, your ears and listen. Because you’ve embraced such laws, because you have accepted such laws, you will not escape the wrath of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, no matter what you do, and there is nowhere to hide from the Lord. You can run but you cannot hide. Unbelieble.

And let me be very clear, Sodom and Gomorrah, it is not only that lifestyle which is today the same. Nothing is new under the sun. This has been going on for thousands of years this LGBT. It’s not something new. But Sodom and Gomorrah, since this question about Sodom and Gomorrah, it is not only a sin, it is more so a crime in the sight of God. So if someone comes out and says ‘It is a sin but it’s not a crime’ [the bishop chuckles], unbelievable man. It’s a crime because you are wiping the identity that God Himself has created. God created man in His image, according to His likeness, and He created the male and female. God created the male and female. Everybody knows regardless what your faith, your belief is, in the natural way. Every human being knows they flourished, they multiplied, they increased, because of a male and a female. Everybody knows this. We didn’t come out of two females or out of two males. This is absurd. Naturally it is unnatural. Naturally it is unnatural.

So when someone comes where God has made that person as a male and he says ‘I’m not. I’m a female’ he has changed the identity which the very God has given him. Now this will make God Himself angry. And He will come Himself and punish. Because it wasn’t a human doing. It was God’s doing, this human identity. And this human identity has got to do with His image and likeness. So now you’re dealing with God Himself. You are challenging God. Well, who do you expect to come and punish you? God. That’s why God went to Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you understand? Ok.”

You can watch here.

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