The United Nations Charter on Weather Warfare

“Hello folks.  This is Alan Watt, and today it is the 17th of January 2007.

A couple of days ago, about four inches of snow fell down in Toronto, along with some ice pellets and freezing weather, and this stretched all the way apparently down to Texas.  I do believe that in many of the U.S. States in the path of this storm, they’ve declared a state of national emergency, which is something we have to get used to, because we’re going to get more and more of this – this crisis management and creation, of course, as time goes on.

Interestingly enough, I had calls from different citizens in the U.S., telling me that the National Guard had been brought in, and who knows what other troops are brought in from where, during this kind of thing. No one asks the questions.  Also MPs (military police) have been brought into some of the larger towns and cities to go door-to-door and supposedly see if everybody’s okay, which is a dumb question in major cities; when their power goes out they’re stranded, aren’t they?  They’re pretty well helpless, and that’s the beauty, from a controller’s point of view, of having people stuck like sardines in the cities. 

The power outages we had two or three years ago throughout Canada down into the States, which apparently they just couldn’t trace the cause of how this chain reaction of power outages happened and they have all these fail safes there. That was a test.  That was a test to see how long it would take the public to get edgy, cry for help, and so on, but that was done in the summer months. At that time it was heat build up in big apartments that was causing most of the problems and the illnesses.  This time, it’s called ‘an ice storm;’ it brought lots of power lines down.  I noticed this, maybe five, six years ago.  The only time I look at the television is to tune in to see what the weather is supposed to be – ‘supposed to be.’ Five or six years ago, for the first time, I saw the Gulf Stream coming up the West Coast, offshore, and doing a right angle at British Columbia and going straight across Canada from coast to coast. The fellow who was giving the weather was talking as though it was just an everyday occurrence.  It was unheard of – up until then. 

When I saw it at that time, I thought, that’s exactly what is written into the United Nations Charter on Weather Warfare – the treaty on Weather Warfare from the 1970’s. They had the ability, then, and it had obviously been tried and tested, for it to be written into a treaty, apart from the causing of earthquakes, famines and hurricanes and tornadoes, floods or droughts.  They had it written in that they could also cause the major streams, like the jet stream, to be brought down to ground level and directed to a target. We’ve been witnessing it for the last few years, and now it’s a normal occurrence.  Everything becomes normal, because we are so adaptable as a species, especially when we are trained to listen to experts. If you flash back even further, and try and dig into a little bit of memory (that some of us still have left), through all the masses of data we’re crammed, with mostly irrelevant, on a daily basis.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2007]

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