The Todd Branch of the Collins Family: Johnny Todd

Johnny Todd is reported to have converted to Christ on Labor Day, 1972 according to one person I talked to. It seemed like the talk I heard Johnny Todd indicated 1973 as his conversion date. He was of the Collins family Todds and at some point after coming to Christ, told people he had been a member of the Grand Druid Council of the Illuminati. Before proceeding to tell about his life let’s interrupt to discuss about whether Johnny Todd is for real or not.

Johnny Todd has been discredited as a fraud with much of the Christian community. If I had heard all the negative things said about Johnny Todd first, I might not be writing anything about him, because some of the people against him don’t have anything good to say. However, I heard tapes of Johnny Todd speak before I heard the negative things about him. What has taken me years to understand, he went item by item and discussed. I have tried to understand what Johnny Todd did to get discredited, and the central issue seems that a tape he made after her was converted had his voice saying a satanic ritual. I must warn the readers that I haven’t gotten to the bottom of who Johnny Todd is, but I was able to ascertain several things.

Even the people who feel Johnny Todd was a fraud admit he had to have been in Satanism – they simply claim he wasn’t as high as he thought.

Every negative thing that has been said toward Johnny Todd that has any substance that I have been able to hear can be explained away very easily if a person understand MPD (multiple personality disorder). If Johnny Todd was who he claimed he was, then it is an absolute given that he had MPD, because that is part of the ‘training,’ part of the preparation necessary to become part of the Illuminati hierarchy. In other words, the negative things which appear to be insurmountable obstacles to his credibility, may actually if people knew what being involved with the Illuminati is like, be items showing his authenticity. Further, it appears that after his conversion to Christ, he received so much lack of understanding and persecution from Christians that he back slide for a period of time, but was brought back to Christ by the repeated message ‘Jesus loves you.’ The clincher was listening to the man. After having done years of research and hearing someone tell me much of what I learned the slow and hard way, was very exciting. The man speaks like someone who knows Satanism and the Satanic hierarchy, and knows it first hand.

I have listened to many Christians speak on Satanism, and on a scale of 0 to 100 most of them are about step 1. Todd in my opinion, from the talks I have heard rates around an 80. If he is such a fraud, why is what he is saying such superior information than all the other people? People claim he simply borrowed from other people, but that doesn’t hold water. I know of no one else who has openly talked about the Collins family. I could be wrong – he may not be legitimate, but I feel so strongly from what I have experienced that I honestly believe that the man is just what he says he is. And in that case, he is one of the highest Satanic hierarchy people to defect to Christianity who have been willing to talk. Johnny Todd is not talking now – the establishment got him put into prison in South Carolina.”

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