The Todd Branch of the Collins Family: Hot Toddy and Her Father John Todd

Thelma Todd was known as Hot Toddy. She was an extremely sexy movie actress, but she also had another side to her. She was intimately involved with the mob, and men like Lucky Luciano. Hot Toddy was intimate with Lucky Luciano, who made money from gambling, drugs, and prostitution. In 1935, she was murdered. The murderer left her corpse with $20,000 jewelry on it. In 1989, the book Hot Toddy by Andy Edmonds solves the murder, which the police did not want to solve and tried to cover up.

Thelma was originally from 592 Andover St. Lawrence, Mass. Her father was John Shaw Todd and her mother Alice. Her father had been a corrupted police lieutenant before going into politics. John’s cronies would come over to their house to the parlor. By 1915, John Todd became ‘one of the most important men in the East. He was appointed Massachusetts director of public health and welfare, a job that gave him carte blanche to write checks and approve construction and medical contracts, offer political positions on high-paying state committees (most as repayment for favors), and pass funding along to handpicked organizations and charities. Many believed he lined his pockets on more than one appointment or contract” (Edmonds, Andy. Hot Toddy, NY: William Morrow & Co., p. 56).

In 1925, he became a “political advisor” to legislators. In 1926, he used his influence to get good reviews in newspapers of the film his daughter was in. Hot Toddy had a reputation for going braless, for flirting with men etc. She as a teenager had a secret desire to be a madam at a brothel (p. 60). She was sponsored by the Elks Lodge in a beauty contest in 1925 and was selected Miss Massachusetts. Hollywood even in the early 1920s was full of murders, the weirdest sexual habits imaginable, and most of the actors were drug addicts (cocaine, heroin, and booze). That was years before these habits hit the mainstream of American life. Many actors were homosexual. Many if not most (the lists I have seen would indicate most) actors were Jewish.

Charles Luciano was nicknamed Charlie Lucifer, ‘the devil.’ He was the most feared and hated of the underworld bosses. Luciano liked Toddy both because he was attracted to her and she had a restaurant he wanted to use for one of his bases of operations on the third floor for gambling. Luciano was one of the three major distributors for the Bronfman’s narcotics. The Bronfmans are outwardly Jewish and covertly satanists. Remember they were mentioned in the previous Collins article being friends of actress Joan Collins. Rothstein and Meyer Lansky were the other two Bronfman distributors (Dope Inc., p. 431). Luciano supplied Hot Toddy with her drugs. At the time of her murder, her movie boss had planned to raise her salary to $3,500 a week. Luciano worked for the U.S. government during W.W. II, and in 1946 was deported to Sicily. During W.W.II Luciano work for US Intelligence – SOE and OSS.”

(Where else was the corruption in the Intelligence Agencies mentioned? Think!)

“After being ‘deported’ to Sicily, Luciano continued to work for US Intelligence and Permindex (Dope. Inc., p. 483) which is the elite’s assassination bureau which later moved the center of its headquarters to Paradise Island in the Grand Bahamas (Dope Inc., p. 493). (It seems to me that Luciano had connections to Onassis.) I noticed that there was a man named Collins who was involved with the Illuminati’s movements to take over the Australian economy. He was an executive of H.W. Smith, one of those companies that interlock with the CIA, mob, and Illuminati. As you may realize, I offer these types of clues because I can’t presume on the future and hope that others will assist in putting together the pieces of how widespread the satanic Collins family is.)”

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