The technique, the media’s ‘raising social consciousness’ and charity organizations

“It’s so clever. This technique, it can never fail.  It’s so clever. They start off with a premise, which everyone will agree with. This was the thing to do with the rights of the child, from the United Nations.  Everyone thought, ‘Yes, that’s true. Children should have rights,’ and sure there are abused children, absolutely.  Actually, the whole world is being abused, they just don’t know by whom. In fact, they run towards their abuser, thinking it’s their savior.  That’s how clever this system is.

Show me a functional family and then I’ll ask you a question.  How come, in this system?  So they come out with the same techniques, ‘rights of the child,’ and then the parents find out once it’s all signed and put into law that the parents don’t have any rights over the child, at all. Who’d of thought of that one, eh?  That’s how it always works.  Hate speech comes out with very good reasons, initially, why they want to bring laws in, but you know it’s not going to end there. That’s not the intent, either, and it’s not to stop anyone criticizing any other group. That’s nothing to do with it. That’s only an outside form. 

Eventually, you won’t be able to criticize anything, including the government.  In fact, it will be a crime. It will be called ‘anti-government,‘ right from the Soviet Union, if you even question any policy. You’ll be classified as being mentally ill for doing so. You have a whole bunch of psychiatric definitions in the Soviet Union, for those who questioned the system. That’s now being introduced here, but first it was brought in under ‘hate‘.  You ‘hate’ the government.  Technically, that would mean that the opposition parties, in every so-called democracy, are haters, if they criticize their opposition.  How come they don’t lock them up?  No, it only applies to the people, you see.

This is a very, very nefarious, deep, clever system you’re living in. What’s being presented on the media is the lowest level of understanding and most of that is fake. They have you the topics to argue about, to worry about to think about. They call it ‘raising social consciousness.‘  That’s the term they use when they want to get you to change your ways of thinking and doing. Motivational behavior alternation, conditioned responses, Pavlovian techniques, all are used, until Joe Public babbles all the terms that he hears coming from the media. He babbles them, like a tape recorder, without thinking, because he’s never given anything really any conscious thought. They just start babbling them. They repeat their downloads to each other.

Look at these big charitable organizations, and their Masonic logos, of course.  You’ll see why Albert Pike talked about the ‘outer portico’ of lower freemasonry.  The outer portico are the guys who are a bit higher than the lodges they initially joined. They wear funny little hats, and they drive around in little dinky toy cars at parades and things, and do the occasional charity. It’s hard to go beyond that when investigating that, isn’t it?  To investigate a charitable organization, ‘oh, you must be nasty,’ and that’s the greatest protection they have for the real plan behind it – for those higher up, who don’t wear funny little hats.  Ask those men with funny little hats, how many freebees they’ve taken that you don’t get access to?  How many speeding tickets did they get away with?  How many fast immediate bank loans they get by being good little Masons, hmmm?  Why don’t they extend that charity to everybody else? 

It’s because everybody else is the profane. It’s hard to attack charitable organizations, at least with the fronts of them, and yet this idea of charity and the front of charitable organizations is very, very old, this technique.  The old man in the mountain, that came up with the whole idea of the Ishmaelis (the assassins), recruited thousands of orphans.  He would take them in and bring them up to his mountain home, and they’d be fed and all the rest of it, and they would initially have charities.  Everyone thought, ‘How wonderful this fellow is.’ He taught these young guys as they grew up, and they used hashish rather liberally.  I don’t think the CIA was around then to give it to them, but maybe. Who knows? 

The young guys would grow up into men, thinking this was the nearest thing to heaven, and they were told that it was the nearest thing to heaven.  They were given things and a little lifestyle that the ordinary person was forbidden to live, and they were given women too, growing up that is.  Then they were well educated, and were sent off to be advisers to different heads of state. They could be sleepers, for years, and then when they were told to kill whomever, they simply drew out their dagger and did it.  Instant obeyance, because they were taught if they were killed themselves, they’d go straight to heaven, and heaven to them was something they thought they’d grown up in, or the nearest thing to it.  All this was under the guise, initially, of a charity. It’s hard to attack charities, and yet the secret societies have been hiding behind the veils of them, for thousands of years.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2007]

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