The spirit that has been sweeping the world is that of the false prophet – Stakeholder Capitalism

Here’s another one: Stakeholder Capitalism. We all know what capitalism is, right? This refers to the notion or concept that free entrepreneurship can function in the market in a meritocratic environment. The true goal of capitalism is to benefit those who can work for themselves, exercise self-reliance, and succeed in business.

The history of capitalism is centuries old. It’s the idea of markets, how they function, and how people make a living on their own. However, once more, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum [please visit their website if you are still unaware of the purpose of this forum] – stakeholder capitalism is one of its stated goals, which you will learn about.]

Stakeholder Capitalism is the idea that everybody is involved which is a lie. A new world is being created by everyone. This is just one more lie. The idea of ownership begins to fade, and naturally, we are beginning to notice similarities with the communist system—namely, the idea of reliance on the state.

Stakeholder Capitalism says this: You will own nothing and you will be happy.

That’s the plan. They oppose you having any possessions. The falsehood they withhold from you, though, is that the Elites—that select group of people—will be the ones controlling the markets—they will be their owners and controllers.

They seek to destroy small businesses, as we have seen over the past four years; this damage is intentional and willful. The World Economic Forum has made this the central tenet of its creation. They wish to eliminate small firms and enterprises. You eliminate meritocracy as a result. The idea that people can work for themselves is eliminated.

And this is part of the spirit of the false prophet which has been sweeping the world.

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