The spirit that has been sweeping the world is that of the false prophet – Scientism

How many times have we heard ‘Trust the science’ since Covid-19 and ‘The experts said’ and so forth. This is their science. This is not the true science.

Only the science they give us, which they have determined as truth, but which is not, has to be trusted and followed. Even if we look at evolution, which has been taught in schools for many years is told to be based on science, and so it must be factual and must be truth. This site has already tackled how the theory of evolution is a lie and a fraud and honestly, when we see the word ‘theory’ we should be already understanding that it is what it is – just a theory and not a proven fact. And yet, they have downloaded it into our brains without our permission.

Look at those films in Hollywood, downloading information and ideas in your brains, making you form these same ideas in your brain.

And since the start of Covid-19, we suddenly had all those experts coming forth on the mainstream media and the television, parroting the same thing. They all told you to ‘trust the science’ and ‘follow the science’ like it is a form of a religion. Science is another religion which you must worship.

Scientism is another area, another false idea and concept that was brought about by the spirit of the false prophet which has been sweeping the world.

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