The spirit that has been sweeping the world is that of the false prophet – Governmentalism

So far we have seen how we have a new religion, a new religion which brings together rationalism, intellectualism, environmentalism, safetyism and scientism. All of this is merging together while it emerges to us, because all of it is a conglomeration of all of these things. So, we are not faced with one lie but with many lies.

This is the spirit of the New World Order. And so we get to the men propagating this through what can be called Governmentalism. What does this mean?

The notion that authority should reside in the state or its elite is becoming increasingly prevalent, as seen by the state’s growing authority over society. The State is expanding its rule and the whole idea resides in the fact that power is in the hands of the Elite. Aren’t we seeing all this? We live in a society where the government dictates how we should live, how parents should raise their children, what should be taught in schools, and what should be put into our bodies through vaccination laws. The parent’s viewpoint is no longer relevant.

Thus, governmentalism increases the state’s authority over all spheres of our existence, leading to our dependence on the state. The Universal Basic Income is among them. And governmentalism is the root cause of all of this. Who is in charge of it? Global governance is the theory that a single system can govern the entire planet. Don’t we see all of this coming together?

This power of the State doesn’t just go into the way we live but it also goes into the way we think, into the ideas behind the way we think and this is becoming very serious because people are not really thinking for themselves anymore. They allow the government to do the thinking for them, or the experts, or the doctors or any other form that they view as an authority. They will tell you ‘But the government knows what’s best for me.’

Putting your trust in people will make you go down a very sorrowful path. You were never told to put your trust in people. You were told to put your trust in God and love people. There’s a big difference. Why? Because not all people, whether in government, in church, in the scientific field, in any sector, have the spirit of God in them. Hence, they won’t be able to lead you onto the right pathway because they carry a dead spirit. In the end they will own you and lead you to pathways which are parallel to their own ambitions. We see this all the time in politics. How many times have governments promised something in their manifesto but when it comes to it, they don’t actually live up to such promises?

Nevertheless, we are deceived into thinking that the State means well and wants our well-being. Truly, no consent comes from us, the people, and this is where we see the destruction of democracy. And of course, we are beginning to see this across all the western world. Look back to Covid-19 and the way mandates were imposed heartlessly – it shows the power of the State working with the media on their side which twists everything so to make anything they say look as if it is the opinion of the majority. The media knows how to pump this out.

So, governmentalism. The adversary employs a single tactic, which he frequently rewords. And this is part of the spirit of the false prophet which is sweeping the world.

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