The Reds and the Blues you are voting for

The Blues and the Reds have ruined Malta. Malta is in a state beyond repair. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, whoever is in government is always a huge mafia who launders our tax payer money right back to themselves. They both hate you and couldn’t care less if you suffer because of the consequences of their decisions; they couldn’t care less if you cannot make ends meet and if you work tirelessly for the majority of your life so to survive, as long as they get rich.

And hence why I will never vote Blue. And hence why I will never vote Red. I will not vote at all because voting is a scam in the game of pretense and the masses do not truly know who they are voting for. Voting is a way of how the politicians maintain control over you while they execute the orders of the controllers.

Some of you hate the current government because you want a different ruler. I hate all governments because I own myself and no human being has the right to rule over me. You and me are not the same.

Yes, you get several Blue candidates and several Red candidates and you think that they are on opposite sides when in reality, they are all on one side but which is definitely not your side. But they come forth to you as being separate when in reality they are just one and the same but they make sure to keep on making you play the game.

Yet, the masses cannot understand that they are playing the left vs right or the blue vs red paradigm when both parties are wings of the same bird. The masses do not think critically.

If we speak of the Labour government, it is a WEF, jab pushing, covid cultist where nonsense walks free and the everyday people are trampled under the jackboot of establishment corruption, censorship and contempt, as we march to the completion of the freedom killing 2030 Agenda and our own destruction. And the PN is tagging along. The PN and its dangerous establishment are also corrupt and arrogant and both have their hands in the cookie jar in some way or another. The Maltese people are failing themselves miserably as they unknowingly are allowing an evil system to continue without holding it to account for its crimes.

Not my parties. Not my politics.

The few rule the many. They want you to believe in their power, while making you forget that you have the power and they fear the day you discover that you, yes you, are powerful.

Some of you hate the current government because you want a different ruler. I hate all governments because I own myself and no human being has the right to rule over me. You and me are not the same.

The game is won by not playing at all. Dissolve the belief in their authority. Stop playing the game so their rule will fall.

The Labour Party is the cosmopolitan movement and is the party which represents legal slavery and the little Indian Malta. The honest Maltese citizen and the honest worker remain empty handed.

The Nationalist Party is the party that shouts that it is in favour of work, justice and freedom by which it truly means injustice, corruption, and libertinism. It is a party that represents the illegal immigrants and which sold Malta and us Maltese and our sovereignty to the European Union.

Both have been Big Government Guys working with and for Big Business Guys.

They both don’t give a shit about you.

Some of you hate the current government because you want a different ruler. I hate all governments because I own myself and no human being has the right to rule over me. You and me are not the same.

These are the parties you are voting for and keeping in office, my friends, and you should despise them both. And you are not only voting for them but you are voting for their friends in business and for their dangerous establishments and counterintelligence bloggers. Yet your fanaticism blinds you. When will you regain your eyesight?

All parties, once in government, are the same because governments are owned by corporations, run by psychopaths, lie about an imaginary economy based on debt, fueled by illegal wars, destroying ecosystems, poisoning our food and water, decreasing our education, increasing our prisons, manipulating the media, suppressing free energy, making us struggle, starving, humiliating, and killing us. All of this while you stay silent, pay taxes, and vote.

Enough of going between the Reds and the Blues and back and forth. Wake up and smell the coffee because if all the people stand, all politicians, all their agencies, all their bureaucrats, and the puppeteers will collapse because we, the people are larger in number.

Some of you hate the current government because you want a different ruler. I hate all governments because I own myself and no human being has the right to rule over me. You and me are not the same.

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