The reasons behind the wars and the storming of Capitol Building

The US has been the so-called policeman of the world. That’s a title.  It’s a cover to an extent too because it’s against everything the people think the US was meant to be.  It was supposed to stay out of foreign entanglements, foreign wars, and also treaties, you see, treaties is how they draw you into these wars. Well, the US has done nothing but treaties since about the time of before World War I onwards at least.  That’s the excuse to drag yourself into the wars that you want, at least from the viewpoint of those who own America.

They’re about to do a whole bunch of other wars now to finish off the big famous list I’ve mentioned so many times.  That has to be completed.  Whatever you think of Trump, if he’s just another front man or whatever, it makes no difference. The fact is there was respite almost for a while, not a complete break away, from the usual wars. But it gave them time to regroup and formulate their plans to finish off these wars, which are all, you know, they’re part [of the list].  We’ve got Syria to finish off.  I mean, I’m surprised it’s still able to function, and for the mercenary armies paid by the West to hammer them for years.  They want boots on the ground, that was the big thing that was demanded at one point, boots on the ground to finish them off. That’s where they’re going to go now. And Iran as well. 

As you well know, they are no threats, none of them are threats to the US. But that doesn’t matter.  And because they’re going to phase out the petrochemical internal combustion engine as they say, they won’t really need all this foreign oil, will they? So it’s for other reasons as you know.  Again, they need the dumb stupid animals, you know, that Kissinger talked about to fill the uniforms ago off and finish all that off, you see. Then they can pull the rug out from the US and collapse it from within. It all fits together, like, you know, chess pieces on the board.  The only ones who can’t see what’s happening are the ones on the board. The ones above it see what’s going on. It’s step-by-step. 

It’s no different to an extent to the small-scale thing that happened on January 6 in the States. It was no STORMING of the capitol building. It was just a few who really were preplanned to get in there and to cause a little bit of mayhem, although it was mainly flag-waving. That’s not a revolution, waving a flag here and there, you know. It was set up to be used as that. Then thousands of the ordinary folk who were there for the legitimate protest outside are all targeted with the same brush as terrorists, you see. That was always the plan.  Of course, the FBI was in on it and the CIA was in on it. That’s how things are done, folks. It’s perception management as opposed to what really happens that’s important. It’s Wag The Dog the movie, you know, that’s what it is.  IT’S ON TV, IT MUST BE TRUE.

The whole idea is to not just demonize a whole section of the US, a massive section of it, but to also get the message that the whole system of government has changed.  Even though it was never really real to the extent that you thought it was, but the whole system now is change. It’s not there to really…  It’s authoritarian now, you see.  And a whole section of society is SMEARED.  As I say, it’s like genocide, the setting up, first you’ve got to name them and dehumanize them and yada, yada, ya as you target them and step it up from there, one step after another. That’s how you end up with nasty things like genocide.  It starts off with name-calling, dehumanization, etc.  That’s what’s being done.  It doesn’t look good, does it, for that reason alone. But they’ll use them all right. They’ll use their offspring too to fill the bodies for uniforms to go off and finish off the wars. It’s a sad thing too but that’s the truth of it.  That’s the truth of it. It’s been done down through time, down through history, this kind of thing.  And they are despised, the ones who do all the fighting and the killing.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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