The psychological operation behind Julian Assange – the guy who fooled many (5)

Additional information surfaced only a few months after the footage of the helicopter strike on civilians in Baghdad was made public. This time, it was the dossiers on Iraq and Afghanistan. PENTAGON FILES ON U.S. AND MILITARY ACTIVITY IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ FROM 2004 TO 2009 was the classification given to these dossiers.

Then guess who was also interviewed on RT, stating “These were logs who were written by members of the military who might be out at the front or patrolling the area and might be things they’ve seen or something they experienced on their shift or patrol.”

None other than Suelette Dreyfus, the friend who helped Assange write Underground in the 90s. Doesn’t she seem to handle a lot for him?

Who is Suelette Dreyfus? Do you know that she is an Australian of French-Jewish origin?

Jewish? Did you know that Soros is Jewish too! Is it just another coincidence?

Here is she again with John Kiriakou, who now works for the state channel RT. Do you know who Kiriakou is? He is a treasonous former CIA agent.

Do you know why was she invited here on his show ‘The Whistleblowers’? This is to talk about the organisation she founded of which she is also the executive director and that is Blueprint for Free Speech. It is an Australia based non-governmental organisation, founded in 2014 by Dreyfus and it became QUICKLY one of the most important depositaries in the world for research, draft legislation and international activism on behalf of whistleblowers. It is responsible for successful whistleblower protection legislation in countries all around the world and it works closely with other whistleblowers organisations and of governments to tailor that legislation to each locale.

She is also one of the co-founders of Wikileaks, with Julian Assange. Anything else? Yes. She has worked with the same Kiriakou, who has worked for RT since 2015. This is all stated on the interview by Kiriakou himself dear readers, so I am not giving out any secrets here.

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