The psychological operation behind Julian Assange – the guy who fooled many (3)

In 1989, Clifford Stoll wrote a book titled ‘The Cuckoo’s Egg – Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage’. Stoll worked as a system administrator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which is one of the systems hacked by Pengo and Hagbard. In the book, he writes how he used a honeypot to help identify them. This is what he stated in the book:

‘By cooperating with the police, he [Hagbard] and Pengo avoided prosecution for espionage.’

According to some sources, they did serve a year in prison but this is difficult to confirm. Whatever the case, like Assange, their punishment is either little or nothing at all, for the crimes they committed. However, Hagbard was last seen alive on 23rd May, 1989. In an isolated forest outside of Hannover, police found his charred bones next to a melted can of gasoline. A borrowed car was parked nearby, keys still in ignition. No suicide note was found.”

Pengo is currently working as a staff software engineer for Kong INC, after working for Wagestream, Deloitte and others. He also co-founded Deepick “a market monitoring system in the public sector.” He admitted spying for the KGB.

But let’s return to Assange again. Do you remember that we had Wikipedia telling us about him “hopscotching” through Russia and China? Here are some details that Assange himself provided in his autobiography:

During the Assange interview which was also posted on Wikileaks, he confirms more that he was in Russia and it seems like he is knowledgeable about how the country works. We read: “When I was in Russia in the 1990s, I used to watch NTV in Moscow. […..] at that time, Russia had something like 10 independent points of power. It had the army. It had the remnants of the KGB and the external KGB, which ended up becoming the SVR. It had Yeltsin, and his daughter, and that mob. It had some broader mish-mash of bureaucracy that was left over from the Soviet Union. And it had seven oligarchs. That meant, in terms of media control, the state plus the oligarchs with their own independent media. [….] And when Putin came in, he tamed the oligarchs. […] They result was that they fell in under Putin’s centralized patronage pyramid. The ownership of the TV stations also reined popular democracy under Putin’s pyramid. And now, in order to get anything of scale done in Russia, you have to have a sponsor in the pyramid somewhere.”

Assange also revealed he’s quite a Russophile:

“As for inspirational texts, well, there isn’t one in particular. But when I was in prison, I read Cancer Ward by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and I’ve been a long-term appreciator of Solzhenitsyn and other Russian literature.”

HUO: “Who else outside Solzhenitsyn? Tolstoy?”

Assange: “Oh, Pasternak and Dostoyevsky, and yes, Tolstoy when I was younger, and Bulgakov, though he’s an Ukrainian who wrote in Russian.”

Assange: “I’m very fond of Russian children’s cartoons from the 1970s and 80s. These cartoons embody the highest representation of childhood and beauty and innocence and curiosity – all together. This is terribly underappreciated in Western society in this particular period. For something that I find beautiful, this is what comes to mind instantly.”

Up until October 2006, when he founded Wikileaks in Iceland, most of Assange’s other actions during this period remain unknown. In December 2006, a mere two months later, the first leak occurred. Nobody was really concerned about it, and its validity remained unknown.

And the controversy got underway quite quickly. One of the early founders of Wikileaks, John Young, purportedly quit the group in 2007 after alleging they were connected to George Soros and acting as a conduit for the CIA. Young disputed this. He claimed that all he was claiming was that they were acting that way, and he made emails available to support this.

While none of the emails prove anything, there are a few noteworthy ones from John Young. “Soros will kick you out of the office” and “Wikileaks is a fraud. Fuck your cute hustle and disinformation campaign against legitimate dissent. Same old shit, working for the enemy.”

Please type Soros in the search section of this site. He is the George Soros of the Open Society Foundation, its founder, and it is the world’s largest funder of independent groups working, it claims, for justice, democratic governance and human rights.

Wikileaks spokesperson Daniel Schmitt, real name Daniel Domscheit-Berg, claims in a 2009 interview with that Wikileaks has fostered CIA-funded rumors:

Daniel writes in his book “Inside Wikileaks: My Time with Julian Assange” that he first became acquainted with Assange during a Berlin Chaos Computer Club meeting in December 2007. The Chaos Computer Club is associated with KGB espionage. Then, for two months following the 2008 conference, Assange resided in Wiesbaden with Daniel, who describes Assange as his lovable friend.

Assange was in Paris in the spring of 2007 working on Wikileaks. His girlfriend “knew Russian and could help out sometimes.” Why does Assange require a Russian-speaking assistant to assist him with Wikileaks?

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