The psychological operation behind Julian Assange – the guy who fooled many (2)

This was seven years before we got to Wikileaks in 2006.

According to Wikipedia, nothing happened in this phase. But what do other sources tell us? ‘Underground,’ the book that Assange himself wrote with Dreyfus, is, as Assange himself stated and as already stated in the first article of this site, is about his case, but more specifically, he uses the handle, Mendax. His Wikipedia page and also other mainstream sources mention this handle too. In his book, however, there are many clues. For example, Mendax’s mother divorced when he was very young and she joined a traveling theatre. Mendax also lived in various places around Australia, and, like Assange, attended many schools.

Even a Google search brings up Assange as the name behind Mandax:

With such a confirmation, we get the synopsis for ‘Underground’ interesting. By the way this book was published originally in 1997. Assange/Mendax was part of this international ring:

When Assange was interviewed which was also posted on Wikileaks, but was then deleted, Assange confirmed the hacking group was international:

Julian Assange: “In my late teenage years, up until the age of twenty, I was a computer hacker and a student in Melbourne. And I had an underground magazine called International Subversive. We were part of an international community of underground computer hackers.”

What does this mean? In Underground, Assange wrote that that one member of the ring is a woman called Theorem, who in the late 80s she had an ultimate online relationship with another member called Electron. She also dated and met with a guy called Pengo who was a member of the hacking group, Chaos Computer Club, which was and is still based in Germany. Pengo [whose real name is Hans Heinrich Hubner, was also a friend and mentor to Electron, so obviously a part of the ‘elite ring of international hackers’ which is highly important, because, “Pengo had been involved with people who sold US military secrets, taken from computers, to the KGB.” This is what is stated in the book Underground.

Assange also wrote that one of Pengo’s associates Hagbard [real name Karl Koch], “had been involved in a ring of German hackers who sold the information they found in American computers to a KGB agent in East Germany from 1986 to 1988.”

Wikipedia states that both Pengo and Hagbard were some of the founders of the Chaos Computer Club.

Therefore, we can conclude that we have Assange/Mendax involved in a ring of international hackers, from whom two surely were working with KGB and one of those was intimate with Theorem and friend and mentor to Electron.

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