The psychological operation behind Julian Assange – the guy who fooled many (16)

What’s next?

Here is correspondent Konstantin Rozhkov stating: “We were not sure if he wanted to communicate with journalists. But, here is a letter which we have just received from Belmarsh prison and it’s from Julian Assange as it says here, on the back.”

This letter revealed despair and frustration as the trial drew closer. In it, Assange said he had no internet or telephone access which hindered his ability to prepare his own defense and therefore he had nothing much to do, except walk thousands of laps per day around the cell. Or he could walk around prison, no? Like he is doing below:

Notice the clothing of the man walking in the corridor in the first picture and the clothing of Assange in the second picture. They are the same. The man walking in the corridor is Assange.

Here comes his friend Suelette Dreyfus to say that Assange was in such peril, personal peril. Really? Things were so dangerous for him while in Belmarsh Prison, that he was allowed to get married to Stella there:

Please note that her real name is Sara Devant, which she changed to Stella Moris, then to Stella Moris-Smith Robertson, even though she was never married. The two children you see in the above photo belong to Julian and Stella and they were both conceived in the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2016 and 2019.

What more information do we learn about this Stella? She was born She was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, to a Swedish father with Cuban ancestry and a Spanish mother. Both parents were invovled in the anti-apartheid campaign. Stella wrote for New Internationalist, a left-wing, libertarian socialist magazine that also creates works for the UN and has received honors for it, when she wasn’t putting in a lot of effort to keep Assange from being tried for rape. On their website, pedophile advocate and LGBTQ rights activist Peter Tatchell is cited as a fan.

So, considering that Assange comes forth to the world as being an anti-establishment father with two young children, do you think it makes sense that he marries a woman who works for the UN and quotes Peter Tatchell on her website? Well, maybe it’s common sense for you that it doesn’t make sense, and that it’s weird, but maybe it makes sense for Assange and Wikileaks.

It’s hardly shocking, considering that Joshua Shulte, the Wikileaks source for the Vault 7 “leak” that Assange was glad to publicize in 2017, was found guilty of owning and disseminating pictures of bestiality and raping young children as early as two.

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