The PN clique continues to come out to defend Dr Fearne so that it rehabilitates his image

“Politics is the only profession where you can lie, cheat, and steal, and still be respected” – Mark Twain.

Such is the case of Dr Fearne and the PN clique. Do you still need proof that they are in together? Here it is, on black and white:

Repubblika’s lawyer Jason Azzopardi alleged while a guest on Emmy Bezzina’s programme Kulħadd Jgħid Tiegħu that former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat allegedly attempted to strike a deal with Fearne “that would have seen him shielded from any investigations in return for his support for Fearne’s bid to become party leader and Prime Minister back in 2020.”

“Jason, know that the reason I am not Prime Minister is because of Steward,” Azzopardi claimed to have been told by Fearne as he made him a cup of coffee at his home.

Azzopardi “claimed that that Fearne had confided in him that he was prevented from becoming Prime Minister because he refused to guarantee Muscat and Steward Health Care’s protection”.

Prevented? We had a series of talks and debates on T.V. with both Fearne’s and Abela’s presence and it was the PL members who voted and decided. So now it’s Steward’s fault?

This is the case when humility has long gone for a tour in no man’s land and the vote of the voters is not respected. And we have to keep on praising the Lord because God forbid that Fearne was prime minister at the helm of Covid-19. It suffices us more than enough that he did a lot of harm as Health Minister. But he would tell you that he was obeying orders, meaning, that he is a mere brainless and heartless hungry for power and money puppet.

According to the article by Lovin [PN] Malta, “Fearne was the favourite to take over from Muscat, who had always said that he would not stay for longer than two terms. Up until midway through the campaign, Fearne enjoyed a significant lead in the polls and this was the time he was approached by Muscat”.

“According to Azzopardi, Muscat first requested that he protect Steward if he became Prime Minister, with Fearne refusing to entertain the request. Muscat apparently then sought to ensure his own protection by asking Fearne to guarantee that he would not face any police investigations or otherwise under his leadership. ‘Inżabbab,’ was Fearne’s reply.

“Fearne apparently told Azzopardi that from that very night, Joseph and Michelle Muscat started campaigning for Robert Abela and managed to turn the tide in his favour”.

“Lovin Malta has reached out to Fearne for comment but has not yet received a reply. In comments to the Times of Malta, Muscat described the allegations as ‘hogwash’.

If confirmed, Azzopardi’s comments raise questions about whether Muscat had a similar conversation with Abela, and if so, what Abela responded.

Something stinks. This is all an orchestrated agenda so to keep on making Fearne look as the victim and have him emerge as a hero. Dear readers, you have a confirmation of how the circus functions and that Fearne and the PN clique are all working together. Fearne is in cahoots with law-breaker court-privileged lawyer Jason Azzopardi, Repubblika, their highnesses the Caruana Galizias involved in the importation of Covid-19 vaccines and their counterintelligence bloggers. No wonder they are all coming out all for one for Fearne.

Do you still think that this dictatorial ilk of terror is working on behalf of justice and corruption so that it cleans your country?

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