The players and front men: Maurice Strong

“Recently, I was looking at an old documentary of Saddam Hussein greeting a young Donald Rumsfeld, back in 1974. Here’s this geezer, still on the go today, in the same occupation – lifers – absolute lifers – to do with the military side of government, and they’re still as active as ever.  I mean, where’s his senility?  Where’s his old age disease, et cetera?  Why’s he still so fervent, he just can’t put his feet up with all his millions and just retire and go fishing?  Well they don’t, if you notice. They can’t stop, because it’s a religion. That’s why you see that kind of fervor, it’s within a religion. That’s the only place you’ll see it.  They are fanatical.

In the late ’80’s, Maurice Strong was pulled out of the United Nations.  This man was picked up as a young guy, by Rockefeller, and groomed to be a front man, which he has been very loyal to, in fact, all these years, and wherever he’s gone he’s made major changes in the world system. Little Mark Strong, he’s a strong man you might say. He was pulled out of the United Nations to come to, of all places, Ontario, Canada, by Bob Rae, the Premier at that time of Ontario. 

He’s got a fascinating story that was printed in the Toronto Sun.  He (Bob Rae) pulled Maurice Strong and he gave him a job as the head of Ontario Hydro.  I said big things are going to happen here, because you don’t pull this kind of character, the big gun, to swat a mosquito, so something big was going to happen. He no sooner got to Ontario; then he starts organizing a reorganization to privatize the whole Ontario power system (all the grids, all the companies and so on) from public ownership to private ownership. That was what he was brought in to do, a multi-billion dollar task.  It was found out he was still working for the United Nations, so he kept the job under the tenure of $1.00 a day from Ontario Hydro, just to keep the job until he was finished.

At the time, in the newspapers, it was announced that Strong was putting into motion a plan where public money would finance huge generator systems (diesel, et cetera) to run all government agencies and all major necessary infrastructure, including factories (not that there’s many left here).  I thought, ‘What’s going on here?  The Cold War is over.’ The oil was pumping away, not too badly at that time.  There seemed to be no crisis; so it told you there was going to be a crisis created in the future. He’d done all the setting up to privatize it, and these deals of who they’re going to sell it to are arranged, behind closed doors, years before the public even know it’s begun.  EVERYTHING IS PREARRANGED.

Sure enough, once he’d done his job he went back to the United Nations, to the World Bank at that time. Then they sent him to Peking.  It was China they sent him to – to Beijing. ([Peking] It changed from a P to a B.)  Then of course, he had the job to really get the ball going for Chinese commerce, for the rest of the world, and working at a UN building in China. These players are pulled out of the hat, always, same guys over and over. From the time of the Vietnam War to every war since, they’re on the move all over the planet and they all know each other very, very well, because they all obey the same boss.  Here they are, bringing us into the global system.  It’s already here; we know that.  It’s where you’re going to have a completely monitored society, who can’t open their mouth in case they’re going to be fined, charged or thrown in jail, for uttering something that is incorrect. That’s the system we’re going into”.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2007]

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