The Matrix is living and doing well in our Maltese nation while entertains it with end time prophecies published an article about Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, known as Baba Vanga, a blind Bulgarian mystic, who shocked the world with her accurate predictions. Despite her death in 1996, her prophecies remain the subject of intrigue and speculation. As we approach 2025, many are eager to uncover what Baba Vanga predicted for this significant year. Throughout her life, albeit having lost her sight during a strong storm when she was twelve, she made many predictions many of which allegedly came true such as the terrorist attacks of September 11 and the death of Princess Diana. According to her, 2025 will be the year that the end of the world begins. A war will start in Europe that will destroy the population of the continent. In 2033, the polar ice caps will melt and rising sea levels will reach drastic heights around the world. In 2076, Communism will spread to countries around the world. Humans will make contact with aliens in 2130 and in 2170, there will be a global drought. She predicted that in 3005, Earth will have a war against a civilization on Mars but by 3797, humans will have to evacuate Earth as it becomes uninhabitable. And all this leads to 5079 – the year the world ends.

Do you know what I call this dear readers? A typical example of entertainment by the media. A typical example when the media gives a mixture of facts and fiction to the confused masses who are asleep in the matrix. This is a typical example when the media fails to educate the public and give it the truth as to what has been going on and what is going on. If you want my opinion, communism is already spreading. I don’t believe in aliens and the like. These are fantasies. But prefers to give the masses fantasies. Because the whole system goes round the idea that the masses are made to believe anything, or discard anything, so that they are not educated and they are not given the truth in all its forms.

The truth is not taught to the masses. And the masses are unconscious to Truth. They have no clue that everything they were given is by design. The masses are not even embarrassed and ashamed that they don’t look into anything and that they have absolutely zero clue of what is actually going on when all of the facts are right in front of them. But they mock everything instead. They are unable to stay awake and not permitting anyone to make them fall from one psychological operation to the next while being strong in spirit to the extent that you are able to separate fact from fiction.

The masses have no clue of what is going on and what has led the world to what is going on today. We are at the consolidation of the big plan, you see, a plan which has been slowly and gradually being implemented through many years. We are going through a depopulation plan so diabolical and so perfect, that they could literally pull it off without 90% of the herd even knowing what is going on. Or even better, get the herd to ignore their own fate and have the herd actively participate in it.

We are watching all this in real time, but the masses, who do not do the research, who do not stand up and say ‘We have had enough,’ who mock anything and anyone, who cannot take and handle the bad news, who think that we should sit down and let God do it all for us, who have already given up and those who want to live happily ever after:

Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt. In June it was the MEP election. Now it’s football (Euro 2024). And they go from one circus to the next with their beer in their hands while the world around them is definitely not ending but it is changing for the worst.

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