The liberal, leftist media is now parroting to the gullible masses that the Olympic ‘Last Supper’ scene was based on the painting of Greek gods

The Paris Olympic Ceremony has become a hotbed of controversy particularly among the Christian communities because of certain elements which they found overtly disrespectful to their faith and rightly so. The Christians’ response to blaspheme is lifting up the name of Jesus and putting His glory on display.

But, everybody must agree that this was no ordinary Olympic opening. For the masses, it was spectacular.

Going round to read how some people are reacting, I observed some laughing emojis and some of their comments were ‘Christians shouldn’t be reacting to this’ or ‘It was simply art and an artistic representation.’ Art? It was garbage! It’s sad how many people (Christians) are laughing this off as art, as if art is a license for immorality. Passivity is what is taking this world to all ruins. Where is the fine line between artistic innovation and the preservation of reverence for religious and cultural symbols?

Other comments I came across are ‘My question is why are so many Christian’s emotionally attached to a DaVinci painting? Super weird’ and a reply to such a comment was ‘That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. DaVinci’s painting was commissioned for a Catholic Church as part of its iconography. The original piece itself is at best a violation of the second commandment’ and ‘And let’s not ignore the fact that DaVinci made religious themed artwork because the Catholic Church was the best paying employer, NOT because he had any deeply held religious beliefs. Of the few pieces of info regarding DaVincis personal life, it appears he was most likely not religious and possibly gay.’

Why do these people go into the nitty gritty details of something when we should all be focused on the simple fact that this was a gross mockery of the Christian faith and that God is not mocked! As if we should care if Christ’s last supper looked truly in that way and who painted it at this point. It is what it represents! We should not be tolerating anything in this opening ceremony and join forces to show that we disagree, instead of debating this nitty gritty nonsense. When are the masses going to focus on Christ?

Other comments accused those who showed anger and disgust that they are not “tolerant” and “respectful” – the usual umbrella terms and the deceit under which these people put the LGBTIQA+ agenda under different colours. Evil always preaches tolerance until it can get hold of you. And where is the respect and tolerance towards Christians? Shouldn’t it be both ways especially when these same people of the LGBTIQA+ are hyper sensitive about anyone else being slighted?

There are Christians who defended this ceremony. Appalling to say the least. They are not Christians. Their lackadaisical and flippant attitudes are part of the reason Christianity doesn’t have teeth in the modern world. Shouldn’t all Christians be mad that our Savior and His world are being mocked! Is there anyone who is willing to defend one’s faith and God?

“We live in a time, where the world comes together in unity to mock Christianity-” Alisa Childers

And to keep on confusing the masses more than they already are, they have now been given another story – the liberal, leftist media is now parroting to the gullible masses that the Olympic “Last Supper” scene was in fact based on a painting of Greek gods. Notice the usual trick in the Guardian’s headline “Olympic ‘Last Supper’ scene was in fact based on painting of Greek gods, say art experts.” I remind you that we are living in the times where paid-for “experts” tell you what you should think. I remind you that the French organisers came out issuing an apology. So they’ve actually apologized for it. They knew what it was, did it, received backlash and then they apologize and come out with a different story? Greek gods? Really?

CBS News also came out parroting the PLAN B story, saying that it was a scene depicting Dionysus, the Greek god of festivities, based on a 17th century painting called ‘The Feast of the Gods’ or Bacchanalia and now the masses are confused, arguing which is which.

So, let us give this Greek gods story a critical thought, shall we? Let us give it credit. So, let us assume that the ceremony was a symbolic retelling of France’s history, which I repeat, could have been depicted in a much better way, but this is the trick you see – the mixing of symbolism and history in a way which keeps you confused and doubting yourself. The masses are puzzled, asking “That guy looks like Dionysus with the fruit, but the arrangement also resembles Lady Liberty in a da Vinci painting. It has to be one or the other.”

But let us explain it historically for what it matters, even though I have already written in another piece that they could have represented French history in a different and beautiful artistic way without using heavy metal music, drag queens, and so forth. The heavy metal band Gojira’s performance was held at the castle where Marie Antoinette was imprisoned before her execution where she, together with King Louis XVI, were beheaded. A reminder that the French Revolution saw the overthrow of Christianity, the deaths of 16,000 people during the Reign of Terror and the rededication of Notre Dame as the ‘Temple of Reason’, with France shifting towards secularism and rationalism – the ism of the false prophet, you see?

This historical tale and its underlying concepts were expressed in the ceremony. Lady Liberty in drag is being seen as a representation of the Statue of Liberty, which was given to the United States by France and stands for freedom and liberty. Dionysus (the man in blue) makes an appearance due of the Olympics’ Greco-Roman roots as well as the fact that he was referred to as “Liber Pater,” the Father of Liberty and Freedom. But why does he make references to his body parts during the song? Lady Liberty is depicted in drag in this da Vinci-style painting, signifying France’s embrace of secularism and rejection of Christianity as it develops into a country of liberty, freedom, and tolerance. By liberty and freedom it is meant that you can do whatever you want, you can choose the gender you want and live the life you want. By tolerance it is meant that you cannot oppose any agenda and the LGBTQIA+ lifestyle. If you do, you are called sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, and be declared guilty of hate speech. Do you see how all this is being weaved and where is it going?

And yet, I still ask more questions to this critical analysis. First of all, I wonder how a Greek orgy is somehow supposed to be better. Secondly, aren’t they with Dionysus, promoting drunkenness and debauchery? Thirdly, didn’t the French Press and Olympic organisers come out and admitted they were mocking Christianity’s “Last Supper”? Aren’t those who don’t speak French who are denying the ‘Last Supper’ reference when it’s all over French media that it was part of it. But this might be asking too much of these “experts” who are denying the obvious depiction.

And this is from the Instagram account of the overweight woman in the middle, in which she wrote: “Oh yes! Oh yes! The New Gay Testament!”

On top of that, the gaslighting is appalling, as some pastors on social media waved it all off with a limp wrist. Is it American liberals who are doing most of the gaslighting of “uneducated American Christians” and worldwide Christian liberals who are doing most of the gaslighting of “uneducated worldwide Christians”? Thankfully, we had evangelicals like William Lane Craig denouncing it as well as Catholics like Bishop Robert Barron.

Because now the aim in this continuous clever and scheming plan is: do not believe what you saw and do not believe what you hear and do not believe what anyone says at all costs. Do not believe what is right in your face. That is the mission of the wicked for these days that follow. And the masses go back to sleep in their comatose state.

So, let us say that we had an overlay of pagan gods and festivals on a mockery of ‘The Last Supper’, doesn’t it add more insult to injury? So, let us say that the message being conveyed was that lust and liberty have replaced God, with Dionysus who represents gluttony and carnality, shouldn’t we see this as sickening, because in any way they try to spin it, it is still sickening and wicked?

If we hold on to the Bacchanalia story, can’t we still deduce that this ceremony distorted a Christian symbol to celebrate revolution rejecting all meaning, order, and hierarchy which is ultimately a form of spiritual warfare?

The truth is that this Bacchanalia thing is bullshit. The Olympic Opening was literally called “La Cene Sur Un Scene Sur La Seine” which means “The Last Supper on a Stage on the Seine.” They are lying now when they deny it. Moreover, what about the referencing to the Book of Revelation of the Rider on the White Horse?

Spot the difference:

On another point, is there anyone who has a problem with the fact that we had drag queens and grown adult men dancing provocatively while a child was at the table? Because I haven’t seen any media portal writing about this! Oh, they surely knew what they were doing. They knew that families were going to watch this. The desensitization towards children and sexuality should bother more people, and if it doesn’t, they need to examine their own character! Is there anyone who agrees that France has revealed its decadence in the cult of the horrendous woke agenda?

All this contrived new story is trash, paid for and manipulating people in the worst way. Anyone who is not seeing any problem in this opening ceremony, especially if one takes it to a worldwide perspective with all the current agendas and past ceremonies, then the answer and the truth should be clear. Considering that you even had this year’s Eurovision which was also a platform for the LGBTQIA+ agenda, Satanism, vulgarity, perversion and paedophilia, then the masses should be connecting the dots instead of allowing the media to compartmentalize matters for them! Is this too much to ask from the masses?

But the masses depend on the media and the experts to do the thinking for them. For the masses, together with the lukewarm Christians and whoever is questioning and defending this ceremony, it is clear that their autopilot mode and their desire to conform to the world have permitted a cult mentality to take hold of them. There is some disconnection in them between actual reality and perceived reality. Have they been turned into ideological zombies held hostage by this insanity? Maybe at this point it is a coping mechanism.

They are tangled up in the mechanism. The algorithm has worked some dark magic with them. In 2 Thessalonians 2:11, we read that God will send a ‘strong delusion’ to the world during the tribulation so that they will believe a lie and follow the false teachings of the man of lawlessness. This verse is often referred to as the ‘Great Deception’ and is associated with the Antichrist’s satanic work. It’s quite obvious at this point that the world is a complete mess and we are at a critical point right now, waiting for the Globalists to roll out their next “crisis.”

To anyone reading this piece and was surprised that the Olympics opening ceremony was a demonic freak show, then I am sorry to tell you, that you haven’t been paying attention.

It is clear that people who are controlled, deceived, and confused by the evil matrix are basically The Walking Dead. And our response is to pray; pray for people who wanted to mock God; pray for people who wanted to celebrate a pagan god; pray for those who have no clue what is truly going on; pray for those who are easily manipulated; pray for the whole world which is in the pit.

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