The Illuminati: New World Order Card Game shows us how events are planned in advance

Steve Jackson Games was behind the creation of various games, including the notorious card game Illuminati which won the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction Boardgame of 1982 and then there was its sequel which is the sealed decks of “Illuminati: New World Order (INWO)” cards, which won the Origins Award for Best Card Game of 1994, and both created by Steve Jackson himself, an American game designer (because there is also a British one) and released more than 25 years ago. The game was still up in print up to 2019 and the original is the limited edition. It also seems that they reprint the regular game every few years.

This card game was inspired by the 1975 book The Illuminatus! Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea which is quite weird and interesting at the same time.

Here are some individual cards that this card game contain. If anyone still thinks of these events as conspiracy theories, then it is clear that people cannot yet understand that the world is a stage and that all major events are planned decades ahead:

The “Terrorist Nuke”, which depicts a scene uncannily similar to the 9/11 attacks:

Here is a card that shows the Pentagon catching fire:

Another card predicted Donald Trump’s presidency – a blond-haired “Charismatic Leader” depicted speaking to a large crowd:

Another card predicted martial law with the fenced-off White House resembling post-January 6 security:

Many of the cards featured scenes of civil unrest:

Other cards show harsh police crackdowns:


Biological warfare from the CDC:

Gun control which was again high on the agenda after a wave of shootings:

Many governments started enacting sweeping reforms post Covid-19:

A card dubbed “Political Correctness” depicts two men hanging by nooses with signs reading “used insensitive pronoun” and “ate flesh of dead animals”. “Good thoughts are now required,” the card says. “Increase the Power of all Liberal groups by 3. All Conservative groups with a Power of 0 or 1 become Criminal as well.”

Unsurprisingly, the media featured a lot in this game:

The LGBTQ Agenda:

Market Manipulation:

We are living interesting times, aren’t we?

You can have a look at other cards the game has here.

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