The crisis creation for weather warfare

They can keep tabs on what you’re being told, and that way YOU CAN WITHDRAW KNOWLEDGE EASILY, and it doesn’t dawn from one intake to the next that they’re getting taught less than the ones before.

This is an amazing trick. Simply withhold knowledge. Use a bit of science. Have your front groups ready, well-funded front-groups, and then go into action and start hollering, screaming and getting everybody panicked. ‘Do something, do something!’ You’ll find that the drum rolls are starting to beat already, as I said they would.  All through this winter we’re going to start to get more and more news until it’s a daily thing, a daily event, until they bring up the global warming into the crowns of our minds. It will be there permanently fixed as they lead us on this merry dance to the solution, which will just be unfurled at the next global meeting. The global meeting will go through the routines of pretending that they’re deciding things, because this has all been decided long ago, and the resolutions will be unfurled. We’ll all breathe a sigh of relief and say, ‘my goodness, thank God for these experts, who are going to save us all, but we’ve got to change our entire way of living. We can’t go on like this.  Nope.

We’ve got to get herded into little habitat areas, like they had in the movie ‘Soylent Green,‘ where they can monitor us and watch us, and maybe even reduce us. It’s much easier when we’re all crammed together, especially when you have to be totally interdependent in the city when they turn off the ‘juice.’ Whether the ‘juice’ be food, water, heat, gas, electricity or whatever, they can turn it all off in the city, and you’re completely helpless. These are the new habitat areas. This was reinforced a few years ago, when the United Nations UN (one) passed the resolution for the creation of super-cities, and then they started amalgamating all the different suburb cities (all the old cities, the smaller ones) and took the authority from them and put them into the central commands. You know, centralize and conquer, remember the old communist routine, which is just the same as the capitalist routine, since it’s the two sides of the same coin.

We’re watching it all being used today, and you wait and see. I can remember telling a relative, back when they were bombing the hell out of Yugoslavia and getting them into the World Bank afterwards. They weren’t in on the World Bank, either, and they were also selling oil for $10 to $15 a barrel, and that was a big no-no.  When they were bombing it, I said to this relative, ‘haven’t you noticed that every day on the news now they’re mentioning the United Nations to do with this?  And he vaguely said, ‘yeah,’ because he used to sit and get hypnotized, like most people do, and his jaw would drop open, and he’d just gaze at it (TV). I said, ‘in a few months, you’re going to be so used to hearing it, you’ll think you’ve always heard the United Nations mentioned on the daily news. It will be a fixture in your mind, as though it was a natural thing. It’s now dictating to you and telling you how life must be.’ That’s the same technique we’re seeing happening now, when just amazingly, even local stations and television and radio are having ‘earth watch’ experts come up to keep us informed of all this crisis.

They already have the general public terrified of nature, outside their doors, and the terrifying technique was obvious to me, at least, when they created 24-hour weather stations for television.  I mean, who needs to hear the weather 24 hours per day?  It was obvious that the intent was not to help. Unless you’ve got some strange illness, where you’ve got a complete phobia of rain or something, why would you need that? 

It was to change natural weather, rain and wind and so on, the natural things we all experience (if we fly back through our memories) into crisis. Sure enough, in no time at all, maybe about six months once they were up and running, a couple of millimeters of rain was going to be a crisis. ‘My goodness!’ They’ve changed snow from inches to centimeters, and sometimes they’ll even use millimeters to really terrify you. ‘You’re going to get four centimeters, maybe even ten centimeters of snow.’ Well, hey, this is Canada! Now they have people terrified when they hear this spoken. Something that you’d think nothing of, and your parents and grandparents would think nothing at all of, is going to be a major crisis:  ‘crisis creation.’  We always have the natural days in winter, where you have freezing rain, and anybody with a little bit of ‘gray matter’ stays home. You don’t want to go running along those roads, with little bits of rubber, spinning away on ice.

You would tell your children not to try and run on it. Why would you try and spin some rubber on it?  It makes no sense at all, but then again, this commercial system wasn’t meant to be logical, when it came to obeying your instincts.  You’re supposed to be at work by 8:00 o’clock anyway, regardless.  We can see the effects of that, in all the major highways, when you do get snow and freezing rain. You’re supposed to be there at the same time, ready to go, regardless of the fact that you’ve gone through four inches of rain or ten inches of snow, and get there without smashing another vehicle.  What amazes me is that there’s not more vehicles smashing up, when you realize how many cars are on the road. That’s the miracle. However, everything today now is crisis.  ‘Thank goodness we have experts to guide us.  What would we do without them?'”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2007]

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