The American Air Force owns the weather and it has been manipulating it for years

“A few days before this latest ‘storm’ came in, I saw for the first time a new type of aerial spraying.  I’ve watched the spraying for years and seen the different types they have.  They’ve got the polymer type that gets blue and hazy, bluish white and hazy, then the white ones with the herring-bone effect. This new one was black, literally black, like black-sooted clouds, and they spread very quickly. Going across the sky you could see the plane and the spray, and when the sun was trying to shine through it they stood out even more so, like black-sooted clouds.   I knew something was coming, and then I turning on the shortwave, sure enough, there’s the woo-woo-woo sound of the HAARP going, so the storm was coming. If you want to know when there’s a storm coming, get a shortwave radio, and scan it, and you’ll eventually tell if it’s going to be safe to go out the door.

A couple of years ago, the American Air Force published in the newspapers the fact that it would shortly own the weather. They do. They do own the weather, and they’ve been manipulating it for years. 

Many, many years ago, John Dewey was sent to reorganize the school system and dumb everybody down, to a suitable educatable level – it’s called ‘equality.’ Apart from many of the other suggestions he made, regarding removing information from history so there would be no conflict with future generations, to do with the past and their histories, he also mentioned something.  He was the first one to mention something that’s been taken up like a banner with many other peoples since, like President Reagan.  John Dewey was the first one to mention, ‘If we had a threat from outer space – from out there – the world would have to unite against a common threat.‘  Much has been written on this topic, because they created the whole UFO phenomena.

H.G. Wells with his invasion stuff, a long time ago, was part of the same clique.  It’s easier to use that, ‘just take a little bit of a look, slightly differently than you’ve been thinking about, and you will see that we’re looking at a threat from out there.’ That’s what it appears to be with the weather you see.  Big bucks have gone into this—of yours, mind you, it’s all tax money—to create the systems like HAARP.  They didn’t build these massive monstrosities of technology just to take pictures of and admire. They built them to use, and since they’ve signed treaties not to use them on each other (that’s nations) that leaves them free reigns for only one other thing. That’s to use them internally, and you’ll find that most countries have these stations.

The first time the world was allowed to know that they were up and running, was when we had the ‘woodpecker effect.’  The ‘woodpecker effect’ was picked up by shortwave radio ham enthusiasts years ago, in the early ’70’s, and that was the sound it made over the radio. It blasted every other station off the radio, and that was coming from Riga, which is in Latvia.  It was a Soviet state at the time, and the Russians admitted it, and it was in the newspapers here that this was so. They were using this HAARP type technology.  The next thing we’re told is that there’s one big one in Alaska. Well, they have them all over the world, and this is going to be the threat from ‘out there’ to get us all to change our entire ways of living and allow the experts to manage us. 

Now that means in every single area of management.  It’s not just go here, do this and be safe.  You’re well into an agenda, first tested out on smaller scales, on a lesser scale, within the Soviet Union. You’re well into this agenda, where they’re going to use all that they knew, all they learned, on the whole world. It’s happening now through front groups, many of them appearing to be charitable, but they’re also getting more and more power as charitable NGOs – all with United Nations affiliations, coming down to what you even say.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2007]

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