The 13 Ruling Families – the Collins family (4)

“This reminds me of another incident, which happened to a brother in Olympia, WA, the capital of WA. Two weeks after Reagan was elected, a beautiful Mercedes pulled up to where this Christian brother was working. The guy who got out was obviously rich- his suit had to be in the neighbourhood of $800 and his wife had fox furs around her neck. They said their son was going to work for the state and they wanted to look for a home for him. The woman was being independent and said, ‘I don’t want to go see the houses. I want to talk to this nice man.’ The houses were done by Donahue Construction. The men went on to look at the houses, and the woman remained behind and talked. This Christian is an easy talker with people. He struck up a conversion naturally. He said, ‘I think it’s great Ronald Reagan got elected, he’s going to be a good president.’ The woman replied, ‘We wanted George Bush to get it.’ ‘Whose we?’ the Christian asked to this rich lady who kept tossing her furs back and forth. ‘The Illuminati,’ she said. ‘We’re the enlightened ones, and George Bush was trained by us.’

Unfortunately, the men had just returned at this point and were entering the room. The man with the expensive suit was livid. ‘Shut your….mouth,’ he yelled. She huffed back, ‘Well, if you insist.’ He then turned to the Christian, who he didn’t know, and politely told him that they had failed to find anything that suited them. ‘Thank you very much everything is secure’ and handed him the keys. Then he dragged the woman to the Mercedes giving her hell all the way for talking, and when they got in proceeded to physically slap her around. This was an extremely rare incident. Many of the Satanic hierarchy live their entire lives without uttering a word to anyone anything about the hidden Satanic side of their lives. As a rule they find very respectable cover lives in society – the more respectable the better – to cover their hidden lives. The Satanic rituals are always memorized. You will not walk into these people’s houses and find incriminating books or objects.

Remember Ted Bundy in last issue’s article. Ted was exactly the model of how many top Illuminati are. They are capable of the most horrendous things, but to everyone who know them, they are the most likable, intelligent normal people. People who knew Ted Bundy had no idea what he was doing in secret. The Satanic hierarchy and their Satanism is clearly the most secret religion in the world. They are a priesthood that rules the world through political leaders that they place in power. And because of their power, they have the ability to suppress a great deal of the publicity that could arise from their numerous activities.

To describe the security methods employed to keep high level Satanism secret could take an entire book. Let’s just put it this way, if you were a billionaire, which several of the leading Olympians (King Illuminati) are, what kind of security could you afford? And what kind of clout would you have with national governments and police forces to get even governments to provide security for you?

Remember these people own the press, and the media.”

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