The 13 ruling families – the Collins family (14)

“An understanding of the top 13 families opens up to a whole new understanding of history. In fact, the full extent of the power of the top 13 families is far greater than what I am able to communicate. This is because of their skill at secrecy. Allow me to explain.

It was no accident that Hitler’s Rothschild blood was hidden. A common practice among the top 13 families is to have an important child secretly or quietly without fanfare, and adopt the child out to another family. The child then takes on another last name, which hides the genealogy, in the occult ceremonies, the biological parents will step forward. For instance, for Mothers of Darkness the biological father must impregnate the young daughter who is being initiated into the Mothers of Darkness. The first baby by the girl must come from her biological father and must be sacrificed by her to Satan. Many of the Illuminati children are adopted out, (in fact, President Clinton was). To try and trace the genealogy of the Illuminati is most difficult. What I am trying to lead up to saying is that due to a number of reasons- many people with last names which are different than the top 12 surnames (as well as the several names I’ve given for the 13th bloodline) I have given are ALSO part of the top 13 bloodlines. Last names are not the criteria – the magical occult power in that blood is critical. Once a branch loses its occult power its blood is nothing. This is why even though my wife is a descendant from the Holy Blood line, the 13th family, her branch of the family has had nothing to do with the occult for centuries, and could never be part of the Illuminati.

In summary, this article has given some critical names in the early genealogy of the satanic branch of the Collins family. This article has discussed how important events in our world are being molded by those 13 families secretly, for example the Collins family. Finally, it was discussed how the Illuminati have a number of ways that they hide their genealogies, and one of these is the common practice of adopting out a child, so that it gets a different last name.”

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