Racist statements against Maltese women and the nation like those of Claudette Abela Baldacchino and Anthony Mifsud should deprive those who say them from the Maltese citizenship

This is Claudette Abela Baldacchino’s post to Beatrice who won Miss Universe Malta: “Beatrice you are a true inspiration. Thank you for standing out, for breaking the dominant discourse, for your resilience. You are beautiful inside out and I admire you. It is an honour for me that you will be representing me, a Maltese citizen for the challenge ahead. I am sure you will do us proud as much as our foreign football players do us proud playing with our national and other local football teams.”

And this is what Anthony Mifsud wrote: “Jinkwetani ħafna diskors razzist wara li persuna ilha tgħix Malta 7 snin! X’irridu tassew? Nagħmel l-pożizzjoni tiegħi ċara … ma naqbilx mal-importazzjoni ta’ skjavi f’ammonti kbar u insostenibbli biex jaqduna fl-ekonomija. Imma issa la qiegħdin hawn nittrattawhom ta’ bnedmin. Ma nistgħux nilludu ruħna li ma jeżistux, ma nistgħux nħalluhom jaħdmu għalina biċ-ċejċa mbagħad ma jippartecipawx fil-ħajja, ma narawhomx fuq r-radju u t-TV, nibżgħu minnhom fl-iskejjel jew fil-knejjes …Nixtiequhom jitgħallmu l-Malti? Naqbel (ovvjament skont iċ-ċirkustanzi) … pero nilleġiżlaw mhux inparlaw! Jekk rridu xi ħaġa differenti nitkellmu u naħdmu għaliha, l-bqija paroli fil-vojt u jagħmel ħsara lilna u l-ċittadini sħabna minn pajjiżi oħra. Merħba u grazzi, mur u rrapreżentana. Kburin bik! Bħal kull Malti u Maltija oħra.”

[I am very worried about racist speech after a person has been living in Malta for 7 years! What do we really want? I make my position clear…I do not agree with the importation of slaves in large and unsustainable amounts to serve us in the economy. But now that they are here, we should treat them as human beings. We can’t imagine that they don’t exist. We cannot have them work for us with peanut salaries but then they shouldn’t be participating in life, where we don’t see them on the radio and T.V., we fear them in schools or churches…We want them to learn the Maltese language? I agree (obviously depending on the circumstances]….but we should be legislate instead of talking. If we want something different, we talk and work for it. The rest would be bullshit and it will harm us and our fellow citizens from other countries. Welcome and thank you, now go and represent us. Proud of you, like every other Maltese man and Maltese woman.]

I would like to remind this duo that when Destiny represented us in the Eurovision, all the Maltese nation was behind her, supporting her. Her mother is Maltese, her family from her mother’s side is Maltese and she was born and lives in Malta. Can they see the difference?

And this duo should not come up and tell us that this is freedom of speech because many people confuse freedom of speech with saying and writing stupid shit.

I am not going to comment dear readers because this is nonsense talking of those who are still living in the matrix. They either cannot think clearly or they don’t want to think clearly. They do not do the research but then make it a point that they don’t keep their mouth shut. They truly are missing the whole point. All I can say is that we might as well remove the word ‘Maltese’ for our citizenship on our Identity Cards. Anyone who utters such above statements should have their citizenship removed from their identity cards. Instead they can have ‘Multicultural Agenda Propagandist’ written.

Here are very two apt comments in reply to the above bullshit:

These comments, among others, can be read on the above posts posted on the Facebook page Malta, News, Photos and People.

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