More incongruencies we must look at regarding Trump’s “assassination attempt”

We need to keep on filtering and we need to look at everything. Maybe we will never get to know the Truth or maybe one day it will be out for all of us to see.

The game starts when you have Elon Musk, another filthy rich puppet, supplied to the folks as a new hero, because whenever the people needs a hero, they will be supplied with one, supporting Trump:

According to witnesses, the gunman fired at President Trump while perched on the roof of a nearby building. A few seconds after he fired his bullets, he was taken out by a counter-sniper squad. The shooter was in the open, yet he was missed by the Secret Service and outside security agencies. How convenient. Don’t you think that it was scripted, or prearranged?

So close to the people? But the Secret Service didn’t do anything before to prevent it?

Here is a part of an article from AP News: “Not long before shots rang out, rallygoers noticed a man climbing to the roof of a nearby building and warned local police, according to two law enforcement officials. One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, and that’s when Secret Service snipers shot him, said the officials, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.”

Then we had the sniper thing. A sniper who does not snipe? Was their scope not powerful enough to see a man on a roof nearby with a gun aimed at the former president? When the threat is clear, snipers do not wait. Their approach is proactive, not reactive.

What do you make of this aerial view?

We also had several people speculating that Trump will suffer a mortal head injury that he will recover from. This wasn’t it in this case but nonetheless, we should be asking if this is a foreshadowing of what will come? Who is Trump toeing the line for? Is it for himself or for someone else who is yet to come?

Using his social media platform Truth Social!, Trump said: “I was hit by a bullet that penetrated the upper part of my right ear.” Was he hit by someone who is highly trained like a Manchurian candidate (that is a person being used as a puppet by an enemy power) or was there the presence of a device which was ready to explode, causing the ear to have been shot? We need to question everything. Surely, several things needs to be investigated, including the direction of the blood spray across his face.

Trump is an extremely difficult target to miss. I stand here because I am here filtering through the deceit because I want answers. Humanity does not deserve deceit, and on the humour side of it, we might as well shout “We deserve better psyops!”

And if there were victim/s, my heart goes out to their family/ies, of course.

And Trump turned his head at the precise moment he needed to do that. Divine timing? Scripted timing?

Off script?!

In addition, I came across a video showing 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks firing at Trump before he was shot. In the same video, a woman yells in the background, “Crooks, what are you doing? Get over here!” And poor thing he looks like he is someone with special needs, who usually are one of the best candidates for MK Ultra and other programs. [“Project MKUltra was an illegal human experiments program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken people and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture. It used various methods to manipulate its subjects’ mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse and other forms of torture. What makes you think this is not yet going on?]

In researching past shooters, you will find that most had mental illnesses, were on medication, and often had therapists. Coincidences? Come on, folks, think!

Look at this New York’s headline about Crooks:

In addition, there is something else that doesn’t add up. I read that the shooter was initially identified as a Chinese man, but his ethnicity has now been changed to Caucasian. According to some, Maxwell Yearick was the shooter. If so, then why was the woman screaming at Crooks in the video? As far as I am aware, the shooter was also wearing glasses, but no pictures have shown this man to be wearing them.

In the below mugshot he also appears to have gauges in his ear but I have not found a clearer picture to confirm.

Isn’t this all a very obvious and very primitive manipulation? Isn’t it the good old Reichstag fire trick? Google it if you have never heard about it. And you could see right through the manipulation, if you weren’t blinded by your naive unconscious cultural beliefs of helplessly expecting some ‘good guy’ to come and save you, defenseless and helpless. But you don’t and you won’t.

The psyop is deeply ingrained, so make sure you are running parallel and not intertwined with it. We may never get to know the truth about this attempt. The world still doesn’t know what truly happened during the Las Vegas shooting. But we need to keep on asking questions and filtering because deceit is so ingrained, that one can be easily and subtly deceived throughout all the phases of this operation. We are going and we will go through various stages during this scripted play.

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