Monopolization is power over people

Occasionally I’ll give you a few tips on how to survive. It’s not a matter of just saving cash up, that’s kind of pointless right now.  The most important thing is that you’ve got a few friends here and there to help each other out.  Because as they restrict more and more movement, you need the occasional person who can somehow under various laws or regulations or whatever is able to get out and do certain things. You’ll need them to get basic simple supplies or whatever you happen to need to just live and survive. You’ll need that kind of thing.  And also moral support, you’ve got to help each other out during this.  Don’t… you can’t sit and really hope that government’s going to come and help you. Or send some ridiculous social worker your way that works for the government and the state. You need to have real people who don’t see you as a number on a card, you know.  That’s what you need.  

The more testing they do with the faulty PCR test, that’s why they picked it, the more CASES they’ll have of course who become positive, false positives. They admit that, even at the WHO, the World Health Organization, they’ve got these false positives.  That’s why they picked that test, folks, and that particular idea of a virus, which they still don’t have separated and contained, an actual example of this virus.  It’s all done on computer simulations, you know.

Hopefully we can tick along and get through this together. Because as I say, it’s not pleasant.  And we’re not going to avert it because as I say, it took years to plan this, what’s happening now. YEARS and years to get everybody who’s now in charge of anything in place for this time period, all sworn to work together in advance. Obviously.  They are in true lockstep with each other, just like the exercise Lockstep, ‘eh, in 2010.  

Now, the Great Reset, right, that the elite had planned years ago to use climate change as the excuse. Not flying saucers, nothing else would work. We weren’t interested, we wouldn’t believing in an alien invasion, like I said, Ronald Reagan and the rest of them said.  NOTHING ELSE WOULD WORK SO THEY HIT ON THE IDEA OF THE CLIMATE, IF WE COULD CONVINCE THE PUBLIC THAT THE CLIMATE IS REALLY CHANGING BECAUSE THEY’RE CAUSING IT TO CHANGE, BECAUSE OF YOUR HABITS AND THERE’S TOO MANY OF YOU, AND YOU’RE WARMING THE PLANET AND ALL THE REST OF IT.  Then they could start to enforce through agreements, again through their agents and governments across the world, they could enforce laws in that would then force you to comply with the laws and stop breeding so profusely. Even though you’re hardly breeding at all in the West, at least the basic native populations.  They could really drastically reduce the population and the consumption of the world, especially through energy because energy they say is what makes folk healthier.

Do you understand that? Energy makes you healthier. And when you’re healthy and you’ve got energy and so on you can have businesses, you can work in businesses, then you might just breed. Oh my goodness, you might breed for goodness sake. They didn’t want that. So if they can start pulling out energy, stopping you having so much, then you’ll be shivering in your homes and you’ll die faster in the winter in some countries, or you’ll cook in some hot countries in the summer when you can’t cool yourselves.  It’s all worked out that way.  Then of course, if you draw the energy away from the food supply and agriculture, then you’ll have famines. Then you, you know, you’ll start dying off very quickly then. I’m not kidding you; this is how they do it.

This is not fantasy here. Years ago, I read the articles from some of the planners that gave you the culture you’re in today. They gave you the promiscuous culture that would come. They made it happen in the 60s, they talked about in the 1940s and 50s, the ones who met together in big, big world meetings.  They talked about depopulation then. Bertrand Russell talked about, you know, WE USED TO DEPEND ON WARS AND PLAGUES AND FAMINES AND THE LIKE, he said, you know, BUT EVEN THAT MIGHT NOT BE FAST ENOUGH.  Actually, he said, IT WOULD BE BETTER IF WE HAVE A BLACK DEATH EVERY ONE OR TWO GENERATIONS. A PLAGUE, you know, DISEASE, TO CULL OFF A GOODLY NUMBER OF THE PEOPLE.  This guy’s in on the planning and the future, and the way we’re living today.  He and many like him by the way, he wasn’t the only one for goodness sake. Look at all the Associations to belonged to.  

Then this Club of Rome with the top CEOs of corporations across the planet, who even the oil companies are all on board with eventually doing away with the oil.  That means they’re not going to lose a penny, you know that, as they go off into other areas that will be made essential.  There’ll be no other… You understand, totalitarianism also is, when you see your choices being restricted, oh I’ll heat with gas, I’ll used oil, I’ll use this, I’ll use that, when you see it restricted down to ONE thing, you are in trouble. Something else is going on here.  Because monopolization is power over people. In any area.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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