Minister Miriam Dalli, are you still in favour of phasing out the combustion engine vehicles?

Back in 2022, Environment Minister Miriam Dalli said thatour focus should be on battery vehicle vehicles – those that don’t pollute.” She also suggested that the green transport carrots used as a bait so that the fish can proudly drive around in their EV, should only target completely electric vehicles rather than hybrids because “here the difference is between what is known as a low-emission vehicle and zero-emission vehicles.” Why they include us with whatever orders they come up is beyond me because I do not remember having signed any contracts whereby the government dictates to me what I have to do and while it does so, it takes my rights away.

Fast forward to 2024, and Dalli flanked Enemalta executive chairman Ryan Fava in a news conference whereby the installation of 14 diesel-powered generators in various localities around Malta to cope with another power-cut crisis amid a heatwave.

We have had heatwaves for many summers, which I remember well since a child, since in summer it is meant to be hot and suddenly climate change has become the problem causing power-cuts. Bullshit! Qas saru jħalluna ngawdu ftit is-sajf bil-climate change bullshit u ixtru electric cars u għamlu l-panelli u tridu titfgħu l-fliexken fil-magni tal-BCRS biex tieħdu lura t-taxxa li tħallsu fuqhom, u borza griża, bajda u oħra trasparenti u issa qtugħ tad-dawl! Kif qażżiżtuna u dardartuna bi kriżi wara kriżi li kollha huma ppjanati u mhumiex ikkawżati minna n-nies! Ħalluna ngħixu u tuna lura d-drittijiet tagħna!

Fava said that the generators are safe and that residents have nothing to worry about. Except for the noise they make. Except for the fact that we have the few [unnamed third parties so far] who are earning money from the rental of such generators since nine are being sub-contracted. Who are these third parties? Except for the fact that maybe it’s our taxpaying money again. How much are we the taxpayers shelling out for these additional generators, while we are already embezzled with energy and water bills?

Has Enemalta even bothered to obtain the necessary planning and environmenral permits to operate such diesel plants in residential areas when they needed a permit to install the “temporary” power stations for Delimara? But they will tell you that this is an emergency and for your benefit, they had to act quick. They had a year to act quick [if not more with some hindsight] but who cares?

By the way dear readers, both these articles are by the Times of Malta – no continuity at all. No truth given to you. Just random topics being spluttered to you like paint with a brush so that you are kept captive in a mental labyrinth where you do not find the way out where you are greeted by the Truth.

By the way dear readers, did you know that according to Eurostat, which is the official website of the European Union, in 2022, renewable energy was the exclusive source of energy production in Malta, meaning that Malta did not produce any other type of energy?

And we’re doing really well post 2022, with Minister Miriam Dalli at the helm of the Green Agenda, which is green murdering you.

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