Lovin Malta fails to elicit sympathy from the Maltese public so to tarnish the good move from Prime Minister Robert Abela about the blanket ban on TCNs in the cab and food courier sectors

It was a good move by Prime Minister Robert Abela to insist that no more taxi drivers are needed in the labour market, because yes, Abela was right to state that there are enough Y-plate drivers and couriers. There are more than enough honestly!

It is a good move that no more applicants will be considered for these kinds of positions and that work permit applications for hundreds of non-EU nationals seeking jobs as food couriers and taxi drivers are being turned down.

Double good move for the government to direct Jobsplus to review its plans on the employment of third-country nationals (TCNs) in Malta. Actually, Malta has more foreign workers than this little island can take without forgetting the agencies that make money to lure in these workers to Malta. They are also being exploited in modern cheap labour and slavery and in turn, the Maltese workers are being abused. Let us not forget that these third-country nationals pay thousands to come here which they need to pay back. So, their entire paycheck goes into the repayment of this sum and to their families abroad. They are not an asset to our economy, except making property owners and agencies richer.

Prime Minister Robert Abela did well to warn employment agencies not to attempt to circumvent the system. In the interest of the country, all third country nationals should leave and find a better future in their own country. Moreover, why does this island need food couriers, when we find all our needs at every corner, is beyond me. Post-Covid19 laziness it is. In addition, let us not hope that all those third-country nationals who won’t find any jobs in these two sectors, won’t be redirected to work in another sector because it would be another scenario from the pan to the fire.

Here comes Lovin [PN] Malta to try to elicit the sympathy of the Maltese public with its nonsense and useless article “‘I’m Here Because I Want To Give My Son A Better Future’: TCN Who’s Been Working In Malta For Two Years But Had His Permit Refused.” Is this news that requires an article? The bigilla media has nothing better to do. But the aim is one thing: to make Prime Minister Robert Abela look in a bad light and elicit the sympathy of the Maltese public. Ibqa’ miexja Hatin Malta Lovin PN u ddardarx l-għajn li trid tixrob minnha! What about all those Maltese workers who bought a car to operate in the sector but whose income was affected due to increased competition from TCNs? I know of a family man, in his early fifties, who lost his job at Airmalta when it closed in March of last year. He invested in one Y-plate car so that he can still bring food on the plate for his family. Why are we having livelihoods of such honest and genuine Maltese people jeopardised at the expense of the few becoming rich out of the exploitation of TCNs who in return, are affecting our lives and livelihoods which in turn is leading to a dog-vs-dog culture type of thing?

I know another case of a Maltese worker who worked in a famous local hotel for fifteen years. On asking his employer for a wage increment, the reply he got was that if it doesn’t suit him anymore, he can leave because with his current salary, two TCNs can be employed easily and replace him. What a bedding for greed, exploitation and abuse the current situation is! But Lovin PN Hatin Malta is all for damage control for the country it claims it loves.

Prime Minister Robert Abela took a firm decision which I hope is kept in place. “Lovin Malta”, don’t try to tap on the public’s emotions, because you lost the spin and failed big time with the awesome response from the Maltese public while its pain, and frustration are felt.

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