Italian journalist, politician and blogger Mario Adinolfi explains what is Woke Culture

“They ask me the definition of ‘woke culture.’ The term comes from the English ‘woke’ which means awake. It’s used as a call to stay awake to civil, social, racial injustices. In fact, the term has become the synthesis of the so-called ideology of self-determination as well as constituting a factor of deep social tension because it tends to add those who oppose this ideology and their political outcomes.

Daughter of woke culture is gender self-determination ideology: no one tells you who you are, you can determine who you are. If you are born male you can determine yourself as female or as neither male nor female, that is non-binary. Anyone who opposes this is sexist, homophobic, transphobic. For woke culture, the ‘toxic’ place (the adjective among woke is used so often) in excellence is family, as an old web of patriarchal culture, considered retrograde and masculine. Another mainstay of the woke culture is the absolute equation between male and female, interchangeable condition and devoid of its own characteristics. She gets exasperated feminism because for the woke women have suffered centuries of marginalization. The woke are, in fact, with all minorities, considered as such victims of abuse by the majorities in particular Caucasian whites. We get a culture of historical removal with evaluation according to the woke criteria of past behaviors, which ends up under the definition of ‘cancel culture’. Great nuisance is expressed by the wokes also towards the various Jewish-Christian denominations, considered to be part of the culture of oppression of the individual, while surprisingly greater tolerance is guaranteed to religions such as Islam, always for the principle of supporting minorities. Sympathies are, in fact, guaranteed to Buddhism as well and to the various mystifying new age currents.

The woke culture, therefore, ends up severely restricting freedom of speech by accusing not only those who do not share it as their enemies, but as enemies of society in general, including political figures, intellectuals, philosophers, writers, artists and even from the past. Anyone who is not in favor of the ideology of self-determination (which includes absolute freedom to abort, do drugs, commit suicide, change sex, build particular social groups that call queers to be protected as families, migrate claiming unlimited welcome) must be expelled from the community or otherwise forbidden to express themselves even with censorship and force, that can go even to jail.

Woke culture is 21st century communism. It starts from a just demand for rebalance of social injustices but, wearing the lens of ideology, it turns into a gigantic heavily inquisitive court that aims to seize power to impose a vast real limitation on the rights of the person’s freedom. Land of the highest concrete application of woke culture is California, the most populous and richest in the United States. California keeps the record for rented uterus clinics and sexual transition of even minors without parental consent, the record of abortions, since 2014 liberalized drug use and possession as well as legalized cannabis trade, with permissible laws that led to a record of youth violence with 40 heavily active gangs in Los Angeles alone, where 387 people were killed in 2023 including a Catholic bishop, the record of racial-based clashes and raids, the record of drug deaths with 750 in San Francisco alone, the record of homeless including many immigrants totaling over 171 thousand, the record for minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria is 300 thousand between 13 and 17, the record for leaving residence in the state with seven and a half million Californians since 2010 would rather go and live elsewhere.

Woke culture is heavily pervasive and is often described as a very fast spreading virus. We certainly need to recognize it and oppose an antidote to this ongoing poisoning. Great attention must be paid to the territories of popular culture since woke culture tends to assert itself through music and social media stars, with particular maniacality dedicated to writing movies and television series or for streaming platforms. The censorship of unaligned comedians is perhaps the most obvious spy of the ferocity of woke culture that aims to expel even those who limit themselves to an unwanted or unacceptable joke from the possibility of expressing themselves. However, some comedians were the most capable of highlighting the dangers and inherent violence of woke culture. The jury explains well how this new king is naked and the punished laughing Mores remains the most effective teaching of the ancient people on this earth.”

Credit to Italian journalist, politician and blogger Mario Adinolfi, who is famous in Italy for his Catholic beliefs.

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