It all boils down to the fact that the Elite despise us folks

The Federal Emergency Management Agency…

FEMA Asks DOD for Help Administering COVID-19 Vaccines / 28 Jan 2021

The FEMA request, sent to the Defense Department on Jan. 27, is going through the sourcing stages just like any request for military forces from a combatant command, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a briefing.

Guard personnel are working at 216 vaccine sites across the country, and there are about 1,000 DOD medical personnel on prepare to deploy orders if needed to help, said Max Rose. So, they’re stepping it up.

I think personally, it’s just my opinion, you know, where I suspect, as they got to really… That’s why they want so many folk done so fast, was before the bad side effects accumulate to an extent where they can’t be ignored.  That’s what I presume, that’s why they really wanted so many to get the vaccination. But I’m sure they have other reasons as well.  Never mind the fact it is a massive experiment with that type of vaccine given to the public. You don’t know what’s going to happen too for challenge tests when you actually meet a live virus in the wild, as they call it, the wild virus.  What’s going to happen? What will happen?  Hm?  Will you have a massive autoimmune response to it that will end up doing more damage and probably kill you?  Or what?  They don’t know they claim, ‘eh.  That’s quite the science isn’t it, we don’t know.

But it’s the first time in history, as I’ve said, that they’ve locked down the entire planet, never mind nations.  And stop their entire economies.  And locked up all the healthy folk. And young people.  And young folk probably won’t even get it. At all.  You know, they don’t even get bothered with it, it won’t affect them. So, lock down all the healthy, supposedly, the same sources say, to stop the aged from getting this and dying. And yet they use this, they tell you the aged are dying anyway, when it suits them, when after the vaccination they’re dying, well it’s probably just their age that did it, you know.

So, you know, we’re lockdown for the complete global reset, that’s the reason for it, folks. There is a reason for all of this.  There really is.  And you’ll see amazing things happening yet, and contradictory stories coming out at of the same mouths actually, the supposed experts in the months that lie ahead. There’s no doubt about it.  But yeah, this is to change your entire structure and your way of life forever. That’s what it’s about.  As I say, don’t take my word for it, look it all up for yourselves. The links are all in the stories I put up there, and the stories are generally from authoritative sources. 

Because you really are living through amazing history right now. Planned long ago obviously.  And spoken about many times before, what they wanted to happen, but they would need some amazing, some major miracle to make it happen. Well, here it goes, you see. They’re good at making miracles.  That’s the system you’re living under.

It doesn’t mean it’s all over and finished, ‘eh.  But it means too though you’re seeing the complete force of authoritarianism. You’re witnessing a system now that can get very violent very nasty very quickly on populations by authoritative governments.  All the things that you read about and thought, oh that’s ancient history. And even the Russian system, the Bolshevik system is ancient history.  Or the Nazis, ancient history.  Well, here you living through the same kind of thing again with government giving more and more authority to police and military now coming in, hm , and cracking down on anybody mentioning anything at all about it, that’s not authorized to parrot the official statements by the official authorized groups.   Dangerous times, you know.

We cannot tolerate that.  It always ends up in a roller coaster to the bottom if you tolerate this kind of thing.

And I never voted for Mr. Schwab or Bill Gates or Fauci or any of these characters. I didn’t vote for any vaccine companies.  Or any governments that go hand in glove with them all.  Did you?  Hm? 

Anyway, take care of yourselves.  As I say, you’ve got to get your little groups together. Just a few people, a few friends. For all of your survival, as I say.  Because this, if this goes on it will be the long term. They want it to be for years here. Until you’re living in a regulated morning till night daily system, ultra-regulated postconsumer society.  Not healthy, it won’t be healthy.  For all their talk of wonderful synthetic foods, it’s not going to be healthy, folks.  You’ll be lucky to get even that eventually if they have their way.

This is a big agenda, long in the planning and spoken about characters who were more bold in their, what they were really after years ago when they published their own books. And they do not love you, believe you me. This is not for you because they love you.  They’d rather despise you, these elitists, these eugenicists.  They despise you, folks.  Keep that in mind.

Keep in mind as I say, and definitely get set up. Don’t wait for government to hand out things out to you. You need to be able to depend on at least one fit person in a little group that can go out and do groceries, something like that. Because things will get worse. Restrictions on travel. You might not be allowed to travel more than once a week eventually for something. Then it will be once every two weeks, every three weeks, to a month.  So, you have to rotate each other to help each other out, and what you can do, you know.  You understand where it’s all going?  That’s what you’ve got to start doing now. Terrible times ahead.

And they are crying gleefully at the top of how wonderful all this is and all the changes they can make that are on the drawing board, oh this is wonderful.

So, take care of yourselves and send me a few bucks. website, you’ll see how to do it.  For myself Alan Watt from Ontario, Canada, it’s good night… and by the way, my temperature last night was, ah, -25°C, which is about -12°F and it’s been that way every night for the last few nights now, maybe a week and it’s not going to let up because of global warming you understand.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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