In order to reduce traffic on our roads, Dr Sant promotes the austerity agenda

Dr Alfred Sant came up with up with a brilliant and genial idea for traffic reduction:

[There needs to be a limit on the use of private cars on the roads…like for example, in one day only odd numbered cars can be driven, and the next day only even ones.]

After trumpeting the climate change totalitarian agenda on the Maltese people, now he is up to trumpet the austerity agenda. Because one of the aims is to limit your travel you see, and by travel, it doesn’t necessarily mean using a plane only. In our country, it is either the bus, or your private car, or a taxi/y-plate on land. To visit another country we have to take the plane, unless you decide to take the ferry for Sicily. To visit Gozo, you can take the ferry.

We should be asking why doesn’t Dr Sant ever commented and spoke up for the people when it comes to the BCRS enslaving scheme for example. But the people responded:

The usual problem-reaction-solution of theirs: the problem is that for the sake of the economy, get the women out to work and import as many illegal and legal foreigners as possible. The reaction is that you have many cars on the streets, including non-private ones like y-plates. The solution is that you cannot use your car everyday.

Dr Sant, do this nation a favour please, because you have already harmed it more than it should be harmed. Unless you are going to speak up for the Maltese nation, then please, be quiet and channel your energy for the writing of more books.

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