How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (7)

And we should be considering every day who bureaucrat is going to barge into a farmer’s life. Even though many consumer advocacy groups mean well, they fail to realize that by the time a regulation is enacted and applied to farms, it always hurts small producers and benefits large producers. This is because the government always favors the largest players when it enters the market because they can afford to buy favors to carry concessionary privileges in a regulatory climate.

Once more, it’s the Revolving Door. Eat unhealthy food. Consume garbage. Everything is under the power of a few companies. All food production is controlled by a tiny number of agribusiness businesses, who are driving out competitors. They are not interested in rivalry. Small farmers pose a constant risk. The government does not want a defection from the system, which would occur if 15 million Americans choose to purchase their vegetables from small farmers or farmers’ markets because they believe it to be healthier. Furthermore, Monsanto opposes that. Not one of the agribusiness firms desires it either.

Therefore, it is preferable to use all necessary measures to eliminate small farmers in America, drive them into bankruptcy, force them to sell their land, which is then acquired by a larger agricultural organization, and ultimately result in the domination of Big Corporations and Big Government over the entire food chain. Small, independent farmers are faced with rules that have established a barrier that restricts the scope and size of their operations. And whether these rules are put in place with good intentions or just to give the Big Guys an unfair advantage, the net effect is that many goods that small farmers would have loved to sell have been declared unlawful.

Joel Salin and other small farmers would like to sell raw meat, but they are not allowed to cure it. Although the US government has declared it illegal, they would want to sell raw milk and have clients who would love to obtain it. Joel Salin related how he was informed by a health department inspector that his farm’s poultry slaughterhouse was operating illegally and that they intended to shut it down. They also argued that it is intrinsically unhygienic if it is open to the air. It’s amazing how a feed lot in terrible conditions with “no trespassing” signs can get away with nearly anything, yet tiny farms are more open to the anthropomorphic ignorance of the people.

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