How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (6)

One example of how big food companies exploited their influence in Washington to restrict American grocery store options while boosting their own profits is the FDA’s campaign against unpasteurized milk. However, it is by no means the only example.

Let us take agriculture as another example. Big Government and Big Agriculture are working together. Scientific research has never shown that food produced via genetic engineering is superior than food produced using normal methods. “Well, Monsanto has vouched for the safety of GMO food,” declared the US FDA. Furthermore, Monsanto claimed that the FDA had approved it as safe. That’s Big Government and Big Business together.

Thankfully, there are still some small, independent farmers who refuse to work for larger agribusiness companies or employ patented genetically modified crops. Some decide to donate valuable farm-fed food to their community. What’s their novel and cutting-edge farming method which they use? It is called “letting the animals out to pasture.” Joel Salatin, the author of the book “Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal,” is one such farmer. There are farming and processing standards on his land. First of all, his animals can move and not kept in cages or in one place. Second, none of his animals use medications. He doesn’t give them any vaccines. He doesn’t give them medicine. Additionally, he uses a closed carbon cycle to manage his farm rather than importing chemical fertilizers. Thus, the localization, the carbon cycle, animal mobility, and the absence of pharmaceuticals are all 180 degrees dissimilar from the industrial, worldwide food system based on petroleum that exists now. This is the nutritious food that is traditionally cultivated, and there is a market for it all. But why are there not more independent farms using this kind of system?

Easy. The tale of Chicago’s green stockyard serves as a metaphor for the incredible economic revolution that was happening at the time. Ample food was produced on the farms thanks to machinery and improved agricultural practices, which were consumed both domestically and internationally. The new era of mass manufacturing necessitated ever-higher capital concentrations, combining the interests of numerous individuals. The company evolved as a tool for launching new businesses. It is becoming increasingly difficult for independent farmers and other participants in the food system to sell to their neighbors, friends, family, and other audiences as a result of globalization and corporatization of everything.

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