How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (4)

The distinction between a government agency and a company or a corporation is that the former (the corporation) campaign contributions to purchase politicians, who then follow orders and enact laws that the corporation would have enacted if it had been the government. Unfortunately, these days, it happens far too frequently.

For example, you had Billy Tauzin, Congressman (R-Louisiana), President and CEO of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA); Linda Fisher, Vice President of Government Affairs, Monsanto Deputy Administrator Environmental Protection Agency; Meredith Attwell Baker, Senior Vice President Government Affairs, Comcast Corporation and Commissioner Federal Communications Commission (FCC). You can go on and on.

It appears that the Revolving Door has tainted many of the organizations that affect our day-to-day existence. Corruption always results from giving committees, public servants, and agencies authority to control the economy. People are too tempted to not use that authority to further their own interests. Furthermore, the Revolving Door serves as only more evidence that corruption inevitably results from granting the government and its agents the authority to control commerce. All of this will always lead to corruption.

Instead of coming from the people we elect, laws now come from the unelected leaders of these bureaucratic organizations. Therefore, rather of having a limited public, nations now have an unrestricted bureaucratic oligarchy where bureaucratic agencies function primarily without being held accountable. This type of government is definitely not representative of the people but governments have become representative of those who can give them the most amounts of money.

Every industry has been overtaken by corporations and multinationals; whether it’s retail, pharmaceutical, media, or agriculture, a select few own a monopoly on it.

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