How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (12)

George Lambert, an American politician from the state of New Hampshire, member of the Republican Party and who served in the New Hampshire House of Representatives was a leading proponent for vaccination choice in his state. Somebody had asked him if he would work on a bill for vaccination choice and the more he researched, the more he found out that in the risk of an epidemic, politicians can go and vaccinate everyone without a choice. Didn’t we see this happening?

Declaring vaccinations mandatory was a contentious issue in the US, as each state had exemptions that parents could utilize. Then again, things were different. There was a campaign to claim that vaccinations will be required of everyone, regardless of their preference, by the government. The people’s right to free will is restricted. The people do not have the freedom to decide.

Regarding medical freedom and safety, each person should be able to choose the treatments they desire. There is a medical exclusion available. A religious exclusion is possible. However, a conscientious exclusion is not possible. There was a problem in New Hampshire with certain shots that were tainted and carried meningitis. Do you believe this was an accident or a random event? From professionals, scientists, and the scientific community? However, how can one ensure that an injection or vaccination is safe if they must receive one?

However, the government requires you to vaccinate your children if you want them to attend school; else, they will be kept out. This is a government control, right? Given the numerous occasions in history where injections have endangered or even killed recipients, isn’t this a serious issue?

In the end, this is what the freedom that the governments cluck about and want you to feel you enjoy is all about. The ability to choose how you wish to live, for better or worse. Furthermore, the government shouldn’t restrict our freedom unless it’s really necessary to protect us from grave dangers or in the most dire circumstances, right? Pun intended of course. Ironically speaking of course.

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