How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (11)

There can be little doubt that the pharmaceutical industry’s revolving doors are alive and well, given the products that the FDA approves despite the disapproval of their own medical reviewers. And in the unlikely event that you still harbor any doubts, take into account Billy Tauzin’s case.

Billy Tauzin was congressman (R-Louisiana) from 1995 to 2004 and Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee between 1995 and 2000. He was the one tasked with making sure a clause was included in the legislation that would prohibit the federal government as a whole from attempting to lower the cost of the prescription pharmaceuticals that Medicare part D requires acquisition of. Stated differently, individuals are compelled to pay the unit price established by the pharmaceutical industry for medications acquired under Medicare part D. And that was something that may allow the drug business to financially bankrupt the United States of America.

As a result of this clause being passed into law, Tauzin was compensated for selling out the country to defend the pharmaceutical industry by leaving the government and his congressional seat to lead the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association, where he was paid the highest salary to date—$2.5 million annually.

Therefore, even if the governments may frequently decide which foods and medications they believe to be safe for us to consume, at least they aren’t attempting to impose any of them on us, right?

Until we talk vaccines.

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