How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (10)

All of these medicinal products that are widely available in America, according to the FDA, are “safe and effective.” People consume them since that is how they end up at pharmacies and doctors’ offices. That is to say, FDA-approved pharmaceuticals kill 160,000 Americans annually. On its own website, the FDA acknowledges this, yet they make no mention of accepting accountability. To them, it’s just another medical truth. So, approximately 100,000 deaths annually are related to prescription drug use. You would think that the FDA would catch some of these potentially fatal side effects from all the rigorous testing it conducts prior to approving a medicine for sale. Shouldn’t they be utilizing samples in intricate scientific experiments? Rigorous testing?

The FDA’s entire drug evaluation process is fraudulent. Its goal is to safeguard and promote the pharmaceutical industry’s interests. Many individuals are unaware that the FDA never conducts testing on the medications it approves. The FDA does not conduct any independent testing. They only rely on the testing carried out by the drug advocate, who is the application’s supporter. It has a conflict of interest in addition to self-interest. Every drug test that is conducted on that party is examined. They do independent testing. Can you really blame the FDA for contracting out the testing to the pharmaceutical corporations themselves, though, given how many new medications are being produced? Who can you trust, after all, if not a multibillion dollar pharmaceutical conglomerate?

Negative information has been concealed from the FDA on numerous occasions of corruption in this procedure in order to get the FDA to approve a medicine. In actuality, Sanofi Aventis mostly depended on a clinical trial for its medication Ketek. With diligence, the FDA’s medical reviewers found that the incident never ever occurred. They invented it. Additionally, there were inquiries and prosecutions by the FBI. How, though, did the FDA act? According to the medical reviewers, the commissioner’s application was based on a fraud. But it was approved by the FDA commissioner. It launched Ketek into commerce. Thus, as you can see, the American people cannot be safeguarded due to that level of power.

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