How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (1)

Benito Mussolini stated that fascism is “corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” People will deny this statement and say that this is not exactly what he said, but if you look into it, that is exactly what he said.

In this series, we will go through how corporations, lobbyists, agencies and academia collude with governments in order to suppress our freedom. The context will be that of the U.S. but surely it can be transferred to each nation in its own way.

In 2010, there was a simultaneous raid on different locations in California. Heavily armed agents stormed into private properties, arresting several U.S. citizens for dealing with a restricted substance. Raids happen quickly in the U.S., which is one of the ways in which the authorities keep American citizens from malicious, harmful substances. Only this was not a drug raid. The substance being sold was not crack or crystal meth. It was milk!

This demonstrated the extreme draconianness with which the government prosecuted discriminatory parties. The government’s position in this instance is that raw milk is intrinsically dangerous and that for the common good, for public interest, it should not be on the market. Freedom of choice?

So, the American government in this instance used the public interest defense, claiming that raw milk is intrinsically dangerous for consumption by the general population. It was argued that because it is not pasteurized and serves as a breeding ground for bacteria, people should not be able to purchase it because it poses such a serious risk to their health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held this role. And this section was targeted by the government. And the American government used force to accomplish this, bringing in storm troopers, demolishing the milk plant in its entirety, and seizing all of the milk, contaminated or not.

In an attempt to “protect” Americans from the risks associated with purchasing and selling unpasteurized milk, the FDA raided the whole organic market. If, on his way home an American happened to come across upon a cow and decided to milk it himself, the FDA would undoubtedly have no issue with him consuming milk. However, that is a big no-no if you are trying to sell any to willing buyers.

The FDA did not think this was good enough, even though this raided organic market was a club, with each member having signed a waiver understanding the potential risk of ingesting raw milk. So the FDA intervened to prevent the consumers from purchasing all of that ‘hazardous’ raw milk at gunpoint.

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