Even New Zealand experienced power outages while Kiwis were advised to use less electricity.

It is not only Europe that is experiencing power outages. We have seen in another piece how the world is experiencing outages. And hence why we must see everything in perspective of what is happening worldwide to realise that something is brewing. Here is what happened in New Zealand earlier this year.

Last May, a second crisis meeting was convened in anticipation of a system disaster that could result in power outages for houses on the coldest day of the year. This made the Kiwis wake up to chilly conditions not because of global warming and heat waves, as we are told her, but because of, in the globalists’ terms ‘global cooling’ with New Zealand being in the middle of a ‘winter-like surge’ as polar air plunged temperatures.

It is always the fault of climate change you see – and since the globalists and their agencies like the UN and their political puppets have declared that this is human-induced climate change, then it is your fault.

Transpower, the operator of the electricity grid, warned that there was “insufficient generation… to meet demand” on Friday between the hours of 7 and 9. A Transpower spokesman stated the grid operator had succeeded in “squeezing out” some additional generation capacity for tomorrow during an emergency meeting this afternoon that was attended by industry leaders and Minister of Energy Simeon Brown. It would not, however, be sufficient to prevent possible disruptions during a polar blast, when demand was anticipated to rise and temperatures were predicted to plummet. Brown told the Herald after the meeting that he was also advising people in New Zealand to use less electricity – u mhux hekk hux! The solution always boils down to you having to make some sacrifice.

The Kiwis were being asked to “conserve” electricity, which in reality meant:

” Kiwis have been asked to not use heaters or lights in rooms they are not using, not to charge electronic devices and vehicles and to delay using washing machines, clothes dryers and dishwashers” – pretty much a situation where people can freeze to death, no? and pretty much a situation where the government is interfering with your rights and freedom, no?

In the meantime, more than 220 residences in the Wellington region remained without electricity for the night while technicians were trying to find out the cause of the outage. Sounds like our local situation, no?

In the Lower Hutt neighborhood of Waterloo, some 172 houses were without electricity since shortly after 8 p.m. Just after 11 p.m., Wellington Electricity anticipated that the outage would be fixed.

Later in the night, just after 7 p.m., another 55 households in Trentham, Lower Hutt, lost electricity. After 12 am, the disruption was expected to be resolved.

Transpower ordered people to stay warm by heating the rooms they were using and continuing to keep them warm as it is predicted to be a very cold morning. But, they might think about lowering the temperature by 1-2 degrees between 7 and 9 a.m.

If needed, line companies would turn off people’s hot water cylinders in their homes. Excuse me?

And do you still think that this is all a coincidence?

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