Even Christian Zammit, the former mayor of Xagħra had promoted the odd-even traffic rules “scheme”

Dr Sant is not the only one to promote the use of even-odd numbered traffic “scheme”, which should be replaced by the word “enforcement.” Last year, Christian Zammit, mayor of Xagħra promoted the same thing. Kemm għandna nies bravi u jħobbu lill-poplu f’dal-pajjiż! They impose communistic rules you see while we hope that they do not know it. Imma minn kollox jagħmlu biex jagħmlulek il-ħajja aħjar u juruk rispett, veru?

Admitting that this suggestion of his is “drastic action”, he trumpeted what other officials in foreign countries stated – that such action is “needed to reduce air pollution and force people to make use of free public transport.” Force? The free public transport is the usual carrot, a so-called socialist measure so to slowly start reducing your personal freedom while making you believe that you are being given a choice in their communistic green mantra.

According to him, just like Dr Sant, “private cars with even and odd number plates should only be allowed on alternate days to curb Malta’s traffic problem.”

Let me tell you one thing: considering that this was mentioned last year and is now resurfacing this year with Dr Sant, let us hope that such a communist idea is not slowly slowly made to be crept into the people’s minds so that they slowly start accepting it.

So, if such drastic action is implemented on the common people, would our insurances be cut by half?

Such measure only applies for you. “Minibuses, public transport, emergency vehicles, taxis and electric cars would be exempt from the restriction” according to Christian Zammit. Bravu! This is another “incentive” to make you flock to showrooms to buy electric vehicles, you see. And once these electric vehicles will become too expensive to maintain, they will give you another solution while they keep you running around in their loop of chaos.

U bravu iktar! The rules that apply to you who still go out to milk the corrupt economic system, won’t apply for those in the business. We can mention a long list like taxis, y-plates, bolt, wolt, delivery vans and trucks, cranes and other construction vehicles. Surely not. They will tell you they need to work. Forget it that you work too and you use your car to go to work, take your children for after-school extra-curricular activities, for which you pay for too. But this is not business. You are the problem, yes you who own a private car.

Big Businesses and Big Corporations which are the true culprits behind pollution are not touched. It is you who must make the sacrifices in their communist green mantra because you are the culprit for pollution.

Now, dear readers, you might be incredulous about the fact that they will reduce, if not completely take away your right to travel. Oh yes they will and they will do it slowly. Look how they gave “incentives” to encourage you to buy an electric vehicle. They will surely pull out of the market gasoline cars. They will then ask you to do a sacrifice in order to reduce pollution (and traffic). Then they will combine all your good deeds with the carbon footprint and your digital wallet. The more points you get on your social credit score, the more you will be able to fly. By the way, do you know that there are already many Maltese who ended up selling their car and if they need to do an errand, they pay a taxi because they cannot take the stress of traffic anymore? Do you know how many Maltese walk it to work or use the bus? In my workplace for example, there are a few who walk it, and this includes myself and some who come by bus. And this is not out of our free will, so to speak. But we would rather leave early and walk or ride to work stress-free rather than being stuck in traffic or else, having the nightmare of not finding a parking space. Is this the good lifestyle and quality of life that these politicians, who still want to make you believe that we live in a democracy, gave us?

Now transfer the methods of movement that are present abroad so that we are compassionate even towards our fellow humans in other countries. What will happen to those who have to travel from one state to the next? Or take the train or tram? What will happen to them once travel is restricted, unless they do what they are ordered to do?

And what should we do if the government comes up with this odd-even driving restriction? Well, you can either challenge the system and be willing to be fined. And once we all receive the fine, we gather in front of Castille, and leave them all on the doorstep. The more of us do this, the quicker such a system will be abolished. Or, if you happen to afford it, in a monetary system which always favours those who have the money, buy another car. This was done in other countries by the way. And if the government tells you that this has created a bigger problem, just tell it ‘We have bought more cars for the sake of the economy.’

X (Formerly Twitter)