Drugs are part of the takedown system for warfare purposes

That’s why Bob Dylan who was first put out there to preach revolution, under folk music, and he was trained to do it by the way.  Because even the Department of Culture for America, the guy who was in charge of it way back in the, even from FDR’s day onwards and then eventually that went into Dylan’s day, he actually coached him, picked him up and coached him and sent him off with certain avant-garde protesters in the industry to learn their techniques and their styles and emulate them, which he did.  So, they preached that for a while, you know.  THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING, REVOLUTION, REVOLUTION, REVOLUTION, also, DON’T STAND IN THE DOORWAY, DON’T STAND IN THE HALL, you know, PARENTS, DON’T, GET OUT OF THE WAY… It’s telling you times are a changing.  Communism, that’s what it was.  When it didn’t really work eventually, they gave up on that part of it. They changed to sex.  So instantly he’s into electric music and he’s singing, he’s telling the LADY LAY, LAY ACROSS MY BIG BRASS BED. With drugs, ALL THE COLORS YOU HAVE IN YOUR MIND, you know.  So, LSD along with it and so on, ‘eh.  That was the change of tactic, which was across the board too, not just him. Because there’s definitely a central command in the culture industry for those who don’t know it.

They must make it awfully appealing to the youth, you see. Half the stuff they were singing at that time, the psychedelic era, was about drugs of course.  That was the cool thing to do is take hallucinogenic drugs. Again, which would further destroy sanity, which destroys the individual, and destroys folk around the individual.  And destroys the family unit and the general culture. That’s why, look at the mess America was in, and in Canada and other countries, with the drugs. So many homeless wrecked, thousands and thousands wrecked.  Look at Seattle before this all happened with Covid and so on.

Seattle is Dying – youtube.com / 19 Mar 2019

Drug overdose deaths top 70,000, drive down U.S. life expectancy – nbcnews.com / 28 Nov 2021

Overdose Death Rates – drugabuse.gov 

Almost one in three drugs overdoses in Europe recorded in UK – theguardian.com / 6 June 2017

I mean, tent cities everywhere. They really started the tent cities with the last financial con game collapse.  Because the only people who didn’t know that they were going to get plundered were the people who deposited money in banks and had mortgages. Everybody else knew. You had these sudden tent cities all over the place of the folk who lost their homes and everything else. It never went away folks; they just move it around. But what’s left to do when you’ve lost everything, ‘eh, and you can’t get work?  Because the economy is not going to give you work anymore.  Well, you can get cheap drugs, can’t you?  ‘Eh?  That will help you forget for a little while.  And it gets worse and worse and worse. Now you have all kinds, and fentanyl all over the place and synthetic cannabis now flooding in like never before. That’s intentional, that they can’t stop that, hm?  Don’t kid yourself.

The Rise of Fentanyl – youtube.com / 24 Oct 2018

ON THE STREETS — a feature documentary on homelessness in L.A. – youtube.com / 25 Mar 2016

Heroin’s Children: Inside the US opioid crisis – youtube.com / 25 Oct 2017

At the same time, they’re doing that, in Canada they’ve legitimized cannabis use. It was big business, you see, for those that own it.  I said this would happen too, they go after the smaller producers to eliminate them so’s that the big sharks can have all the business to themselves.  But look around you, yep, you get wrecked societies everywhere you go. The same thing happened in West Virginia, and you had that movie came out too, what was it called, something…?  Oxyana I think it was, the documentary, well worth watching.

Oxyana – youtube.com / 30 May 2017

Well worth watching for the first time for those who haven’t seen it. How that whole state was FLOODED with OxyContin and all kinds of drugs. Whatever they went in for, with any problem at all, they’d come out with OxyContin. They were deliberately prescribed by all the, they brought lots of doctors in from other countries to make sure they would prescribe it, by the way. Which they did. These things don’t happen by themselves. I remember when I gave the talk years ago on it, a few months later after the whole state was wrecked actually, you know, a whole generation was wrecked, most of the people, or a good lot of them I should say, then you had the admission by the FDA that they’d now realized that MILLIONS OF THESE OXYCONTIN PILLS BY PRESCRIPTION WERE GOING THROUGH THAT STATE PER WEEK…  Oh, they just noticed it.  It had been happening for years. This is all by design.  The take down, ‘eh.

Don’t forget that drugs is part of the takedown system for warfare purposes. They used it against Russia by dragging them into Afghanistan.  The US helped to instigate that whole scenario to get the US into Afghanistan then had the Taliban and the different groups that worked with them supply lots and lots and lots of drugs that then went back with the soldiers back to Russia.  They had an incredible drug problem there and heroin problem and all the rest of it too, not just, you know…  So, this is all by design.

Again, your own Western rulers, some of the politicians that existed there were part of the opium warlords that flooded China with opium bales until they gave in.  You can actually find them, they’re still very prominent today, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of these particular people.  Drugs have always been used as a weapon of war on societies. 

It’s quite fascinating even to see other professionals on board, the psychologists, again, behaviorists and those who have an interest in changing cultures by manipulating the minds of the people. It’s much easier to do it with the youth, you know. They always have done it that way, pick the youth, introduce certain things, study them intently to see the effects, etc. When you see that the CIA was definitely involved with the promotion of drugs and discos and how they even set up one of the major groups…

Actually, they all knew each other in the same circle from University, of the Unabomber. He knew some of these guys, ‘eh.  Some of them actually talked about it later, some of his targets, that they had been given permission to try experimentation.  They were given Air Force hangers, big aircraft hangers where they could go in and use them in experimental situations.  Invite lots of youngsters and give them certain drugs, then start using the strobe lights when they were trying to, they wondered if they could introduce them into the discos eventually. Which they did of course.  And how they studied them.  How it threw people off balance, altered the brain waves that you had, the actual levels of brain patterns.  You’d be more suggestible, and of course it created a form of hypnosis as well.  It could make them, the people who were under the influence of it all and maybe even drugs too, it would make them more compliant, you could actually do things with them without their knowledge.  They would not really know, or even have no memory of what really happened, especially if they had too much alcohol or they would give them drugs of certain kinds.

These are all big behavioral experiments which they eventually put into mainstream disco dancing. Again, it would further reduce… common sense basically, that little bit of you that makes you apprehensive to go too far on any social situation.  Alcohol does that by itself of course, it breaks down social barriers to an extent and social behavior, or as they like to call it, inhibition, that which protects you, as they now call it inhibition, until you’ll maybe do things that perhaps you shouldn’t do.  Massive, massive behavioral experimentation went on.

Then eventually of course into the 90s and 2000 onwards you had the rave parties where even more psychoactive, more precise psychoactive drugs were introduced. And freely distributed, obviously, to the target groups.  You would find psychologists and behaviorists were eventually employed to attend these things.  They would give them a higher up balcony to watch down on them so they could study the effects of it all, to intensely study them for future use. Because they might want to use it on the whole population eventually, you never know.  Because this how all things really happen and how they work. It doesn’t happen by itself. It’s not spontaneous and sporadic. It’s all planned that way and heavily monitored and examined.

We are the big test bed for all this stuff by those who claim that they own you. And the ones who do it on you, practice on you, are the ones who, they are the scientific elites who are employed by the dominant minority, like Aldous Huxley mentioned.  It’s all been done, ‘eh. 

It’s sad that most folk live through it, go through it all and they don’t even know it. What they’ve even been through, they think they’ve made their own decisions all along the way. BASIC HYPNOSIS, they’ve always said, WOULDN’T MAKE YOU DO SOMETHING THAT YOU WOULD NORMALLY NOT DO, you see.  That’s always been the argument with hypnosis, that it’s a voluntary compliance, you decide to go under and if you fight it you won’t go under the same way, and you can’t be made to do something you wouldn’t normally do. However, if you add strobe lighting into that and the right kind of drugs, you’ve got a different story, ‘eh, on the go then. You’re almost into the MK Ultra phase with psychic driving. 

They used all these techniques with MK Ultra and lots more too, with the strobe lighting, with the drugs, LSD, with electroconvulsive therapy.  Meaning they gave them shock treatment all the time, put so much current through their brains, hundreds and hundreds of these episodes, until they literally depatterned the brain memory until they had no memory at all, then they re-pattern the memory.  This is what they claimed they did.  One or two of the survivors went through the experience and one woman said, I think she was Canadian, she said that she CAN’T EVEN REMEMBER HER PREVIOUS EXISTENCE BEFORE GOING INTO THE CLINIC.  AT ALL. WHEN SHE WAS LET OUT, SHE COULDN’T REMEMBER ANY OF EVEN HER OWN CHILDREN. 

That was the CIA. The same CIA that set up hundreds and hundreds of brothels in major cities throughout the US and set up cameras and recruited the prostitutes who were taught how to bring, you know, get these guys, bring them home and get them to experiment with different drugs. They would try to introduce new drugs to them to see what would happen to the John’s, ‘eh.  Their behaviors would get them…  This is all before Epstein came along, with the big agencies, you know, the big super agencies.  So, the CIA was involved in this long before.

But yeah, introducing drugs into society.  Of course, we know that the drugs-for-guns con game with the Iran-Contra scandal and Oliver North and all of that and how they were dumping the drugs on American society to get the cash for weaponry and so on for their other plans of overthrowing governments across the world.  The CIA, hm, you’ll never figure them out. Most Americans still think through movies and that that they’re there for them, for themselves.  These characters are so far removed from you in their mindsets and what they’re all about, they’re almost an alien species. Really.  Nothing to do with what you think. Nothing at all.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]


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