Dr Mark Hyman gives a list of calcium sources

“You can get a lot of calcium from things that don’t have hormones, that don’t have allergens, that don’t have all kind of antibiotics in them, and all kinds of crap. So let’s talk about how some common food stack up to about 4 ounces of milk which is about 138 milligrams of calcium.

First of all, sesame seeds. A quarter cup of sesame seeds – tahini is an amazing thing. You can make dressing out of it. I make like miso tahini dressing. I put in on my vegetables. There’s a lots of ways to include tahini and sesame seeds. But a quarter cup has 351 milligrams but which is almost twice the amount that milk has.

Sardines. A little can of sardines, with the bones which sounds weird but you can actually eat the bones, has also 350 milligrams of calcium.

Tofu which has 350 milligrams of calcium.

Yogurt which is obviously dairy but you can get it from sheep and goat has 96 milligrams.

Collar greens – which by the way these may be better utilized and absorbed by the body – has about 268 milligrams.

Spinach has about 245 milligrams in a cup.

Cheese, which is another dairy product, has a little less – 204.

Saki salmon has 3 ounces with the bones in them.

188 milligrams almonds. Dry and roasted from 2 ounces you get about 150. So basically, from 2 ounces of almonds you get more calcium than you will from milk.

Also chia seeds are another great source of calcium and have way more calcium than milk, than you get from milk.

And by the way, it turns out that its Vitamin D, that’s the most important for actually helping your bones, not so much calcium.”

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